Page 119 of HateMates

“What, did you sign me for that singles reality show? I was totally kidding about that.”

“Open it.”

“So, no reality show? Damn. Oh, well. I’m starting classes next month, anyway. I wonder if they cast me, though—”

“Just open it, Minds.” I huff, take the envelope out, and unfold the paper. My eyes widen as I finish reading the second paragraph and look up at him. “I’m about to make this official.”

“Being girlfriend and boyfriend isn’t official?”

“Not enough for me, babe. I want all of you.”

“So, you bought a company?”

“I bought a future. Craig is offering me a stake in his business. Giving me free rein. I can hire staff and manage them, which takes me out of the field. Out of danger, as you put it.”

My lips slowly part. “You’re quitting your guard dog duties?”

“Yeah. I don’t want to leave to protect someone else when all I want to do is protect you. Move in with me, and I’ll accept Craig’s offer, and you’ll be my only priority.”

“Let me get this straight.” Because my head is spinning. “You want me to move in with you. And if I do, you will stop doing all the dangerous stuff you do so you don’t risk your life and just be the brains behind all the dangerous stuff because you just want me to be your roommate again?”

“No, babe. That’s not enough for me either. I want all of you.” I miss the movement of his hand when it disappears into his back pocket and returns holding a little black box. My jaw hits the floor, scraping the ground.

“Jesus Christ. Wh—What are you doing?”

“Making you mine.” He bends. “Life isn’t always guaranteed. And it passes by too fast. I’m done letting it pass me by. I want things. A future. A family. I want to spend forever making you laugh, mad, cry, orgasm. Fuck, I want it all. I gave up the first half of my life because I didn’t think I deserved happiness. To be loved. That shit changed the moment you walked into my life.”

Holy fuck. A tear slides down my cheek.

“You’ve shown me that I matter. I’ve never had that. Felt what it’s like to know someone gives a shit about you. And now that I know how damn good it feels, I ain’t ever lettin’ it go. Marry me, Minds. Let me make you mine. And you make me yours.”

Shit, shit, shit! My heart hammers against my chest. My hands shake, and I’m not sure I can even find my voice to answer. When I do, I ask, “Can I choose my side of the closet?”

The way he looked at me had a delirious giggle escape. When I pulled myself together seconds later, I put the poor man out of his misery and jumped him. Good thing he’s a giant because he cushioned our fall when I knocked him to the ground. I kissed every inch of his face, his lips, and told him hell yeah, I’d marry him.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Fay says, waving me off. “I’ll just assume it had nothing to do with the large rock on your finger, either.” I glance at my ring finger. “Did I ever mention what a lovely stone he picked out?”

Fay is holding in her laugh. I may have tried to convince her fiancé to buy her a pink diamond because it’s her favorite color. “Joke’s on you. Pinkismy favorite color.”

“Either way, I’m so happy for you. I knew you two would end up like this. All smoldering hot for another.”

“Ew, we are not smoldering.”

“Yes, you are. I see the way he looks at you. He practically melts you with his hot stare—”

“I’m telling Theo you called him hot. And on your wedding day.”

“Shut up, no, you won’t because you want Tate to live. And also,smoldering,” she draws out.

“Whatever. I said yes out of duress. Not even sure I’ll go through with it. How long do I have to be engaged to keep the ring when it doesn’t work out?”

“Wanna put a dress on? We can walk down together—”

“Double no way!”

“Think he’s a crier? Bet he’ll cry when you walk down the aisle.”

I ponder it. Then nod. “Yep. Total wuss. I’d look fine as hell.”