Page 109 of HateMates

“Feel free to feed him after midnight for all I care.”

His eyes narrow, and I’m shocked he cares. It’s not like I didn’t overhear the conversation between them the other day.

“I told you to stay the hell away. And I don’t give a fuck. You think that’s going to fix what you broke? Yeah, she’s fucking broken. No. I said no. She clearly doesn’t want to see you. If it were up to me, I’d make sure you never get near her again—I don’t care. You had a job to do! I’m going to smear your name so far—is that a threat? Give me a break. Next, you’re going to tell me you have the money to do all this. You think I’m going to help you after everything? Don’t you fucking dare question my loyalty to her. Fine. I’ll do this. In return, you stay the hell away from her. She’s been through enough. Send over the contract. I’ll look into it. I’m not doing this for you, though. I’m doing it for her.”

I practically fell off the couch trying to hear all the bits and pieces of their convo. What was he going to do? What was Theo willing to help him with? Probably finding a job in Egypt. Theo is kind like that. Really goes the extra mile for my well-being.

Whatever it was, Tate’s stayed gone. I’ve felt him at times. His lingering presence in the back of my mind. No matter how hard I tried to push him out. But he was gone. Just like I requested and Theo demanded. Sometimes, I hate when people listen. Even if, this time, it’s for the best.

I need to move on and pretend he never existed. A figment of my imagination. Tate who?

“Or not. Honestly, that’s water under the bridge. Like his body should be, deep under water, with a large boulder holding him down.”

Theo shakes his head. “You’re deflecting again.”

“I’m not deflecting. This is me coping. I told you I’m fine.” I set my coffee on the counter and stand. “I’ll be out of you guys’ hair today.”

“You know you’re welcome to stay as long as you want.”

“I know. But I have a lot of things to work out. One is sucking up to Harry to see if I can get my job back. You know, for income and all. And I want to stop by the hospital and visit Justin.”

“You don’t need to worry about money.”

“I am definitely not a charity case, so yes, I do. Now seems like a good time to shower. Really gonna miss your forty-seven-nozzle shower, boy toy.”


“That’s my name, don’t wear it out—or you’re gonna have to buy me a new one,” I say as I retreat down the hall.


I wave at Clara, the head nurse on duty, and walk down the hall to Justin’s room. He’s lucky to be alive. The doctor said it was touch and go, but with a lot of rest, he’ll make a full recovery.

“Hey, hero,” I purr, walking in. I smile at Ruth. “Girl, can you look any hotter? I swear, my belly is bigger than that after a taco marathon.”

Ruth giggles, drops Justin’s hand, and walks over, giving me a hug. “You’re too sweet.”

“Thanks. I’ve been called a lot of things, and sweet’s not one of them.” I laugh, looking at Justin. “How are you feeling today?”

“Like I’m going to go on a rampage if I have to take one more bite of hospital food.”

“Oh god, we don’t want that,” I say dramatically and open up my purse, pulling out a fast-food bag. “Good thing I brought you the best tacos in town.” His eyes light up like I knew they would. Tacos do that to people.

“Wow, now you’re savingmylife.” He smiles, accepting the bag.

“Better hurry before someone catches you.”

“All I need is thirty seconds.”

We all laugh as he swallows his first bite, moaning into the steak taco.

I chuckle and point to his lip. “Cilantro looks good on you, hero.”

Ruth leans in, grabs a napkin, and wipes his mouth. My heart warms at their love before taking a nosedive.

I wish I had that.

“Did you ever hear back from Detective Rochel about the girl who was with Vince—I mean Paul—claiming to be his sister?”