Page 101 of HateMates

“And why is that?”

“That’s not the life I live. A future, love? That shit isn’t an option for me.”

The memory threatens to break me. How could I have been so cruel? She exposed her truth, and I hurt her in return. I told her a lie and caused this. Grueling pain burns inside my gut. I run my hand over my mouth, fighting back the guilt. “I fucked up. I should’ve told her I loved her back.”

“What? She—”

“What’s going on? Someone tell me you know where she is.”

Justin Phillips, the officer who failed to do his fucking job, catches everyone’s attention. He rushes in, his eyes scanning the room. When they land on me, anger flares. He rushes me, but two officers stop him before he has a chance to get close.

“Officer, stand down.” Rochel snaps, but I put my hand up.

“Let him go,” I say.

He wastes no time getting in my face. “I hold the guilt of allowing her to leave with him. I shouldn’t have let her go with him. That’s on me. If anything happens, it’ll haunt me for the rest of my life. But you… you made her a promise. You let her go. How could—?”

“You’re not the only one haunted by their mistakes. I know what I did. What I also have to live with.”

Competing emotions shine in our eyes. She made an impression on him in the short time he spent with her. He heaves in and out until his breathing becomes more balanced. Then he turns and says, “I want to help.”

“Officer Phillips. I thought you were on your way back to Vermont.”

“I was, but I couldn’t go home knowing she…” He pauses, needing a moment to gather himself. He doesn’t get a chance to finish because Miller runs in holding a stack of papers.

“Bank came through.” He catches my eye as he walks past me, takes a magnet, and stamps a piece of paper on the wall. “Tate was right.” He slaps another sheet on the board. “Bank confirmed potential fraud. Traced the charges. Amazon, gotta love ’em.” Next is a map. He grabs a marker and draws a circle. “This brownstone was sold by Tillman Realty Group. The brownstone next door is where all the packages are going to—”

“Wait, you found him?” Fay rushes out.

I step forward, taking in the map. “The motherfucker.”

“Yep. He’s been right under our nose the whole time.”

I dismiss Justin as he hurries out of the room. “Who owns it? How would he have access?” I ask.

“An older couple. Their daughter called just yesterday. Said she hadn’t heard from her parents in over a week and was worried. Good work, Tate. I think we found her.”

Chapter twenty-seven


“Babe, it’s time to wake up.”

“No.” I snuggle deeper into my pillow.

“Time to wake up, Mindy.”

“Maybe if you give me some incentive,” I purr. His arms snake around me, pressing his throbbing bulge against my butt cheeks.

“Anyone ever tell you how bossy you are?”


He sucks my earlobe into his mouth while a hand slips under my panties. “Tell me what you want, boss lady.”

“I kind of like the sound of that,” I end in a whisper as a finger strums along my slit. “Don’t be shy now,” I coerce. He slides a thick finger deep inside me, and my lips part.

“What else, Minds?”