I can’t stop reading the contract. Well, actually, I can. The tequila has made the words really blurry, and I’m too drunk to make them out anymore. I get up and search for a magnifying glass. “Why would he do this? Probably to taunt me,” I mumble to myself. “Probably expects me to go running back to him. Men.Hey, let’s blow one-point-five million on making her life better so she forgives me.”
I fall back on my bed. I don’t own a magnifying glass.
A simple phone call to apologize would have sufficed. I wouldn’t have taken the call, but the effort would have been noted. Would I have taken the call? “No.” I sit up, and the room spins, so I fall back down.
“Oh, who am I kidding? I would have answered. Accepted his apology and offered my body on a silver platter.” I smack myself. “Ow!” That was dumb. But so was that confession! “He doesn’t deserve this.” I wave my hand up and down my body. My brain agrees, but my body wants me to smack myself again. Is it bad I know exactly how long it’s been since I’ve seen him? Kissed him? Lost myself in the glorious things he can do with his tongue and Megatron down south? “Ugh!” I hate him. I hate that he’s making me feel all these things. Sad. Lonely. I miss him. I miss this protective bubble he built around me. His dumb laugh. His even dumber questions while we watched reality TV. I miss our conversations. I even miss his delicious pasta dinners.
“God!” I slam my fists on the bed. I refuse to forget what he did. And if he thinks he can swoon me off my feet by buying me, he is so wrong!
Getting up, I gather my bearings and grab my phone, stabbing in a number.
“It’s one in the morning. This better be good.”
“Why didn’t he come to me? Why did he go through you?” I snap.
Theo lets out a frustrated sigh. “You made it clear you wanted nothing to do with him.”
“So, I made that happen.”
“But did he fight you? Like, beg you to speak to me?”
“I’m just going to pretend this ridiculous conversation never happened and go back to bed. When I wake up, I’m going to convince my future wife she needs new friends—”
“Friend. Singular.”
“Jesus Christ. His address is on the forms as a co-signer. Have this chat with him yourself.” Then he hangs up on me.
I sit here, pondering how rude Theo is, then book it to the living room and dig through the paperwork until I find his address. I type it into my GPS app and— “Are you kidding me!” He lives five miles from me? Okay, so he’s in a way better neighborhood, but still. This whole damn time? My anger boils over. “That’s it.”
Grabbing my heels and purse, I call an Uber and spend the entire ride explaining toEarlhow I’m about to commit murder. I wave goodbye, tell him to root for me at my trial, and storm up to the apartment building. It’s fancy and, goddammit, even has a doorman.
“Good evening, Miss. Can I help you?”
“Yes,” I lift my nose in the air. “I’m with animal control. I believe you have a big mutt living in your building that I need to investigate. If you’ll let me know which floor Tate Deveraux is on, I’ll be on my way.”
“Um, we do not allow pets in the building.”
“Exactly! Trust me, once I’m done with him, you will be dog-free.”
He stares at me like I’m crazy. I decide to let it slide since I probably look it and smell like a tequila factory. “About that floor—”
“It’s okay, Grant. She’s with me.”
I whip around at the sound of his voice. My nipples perk, and I cross my arms over my chest to conceal the way his voice alone affects me. It doesn’t help that he’s in a pair of scrumptious sweatpants, his chest bare.
“You have two choices: I can kick your ass in the lobby in front of Grant here, or we can do it in a more private setting. Either way, I’m ending you.”
“Thanks, Grant.” Tate winks at him, kicking my anger up a notch. He turns and walks back toward the elevators, probably expecting me to follow. When the elevator opens, he walks in and says, “You coming?”
I grunt, stomp in, and stand beside him, watching the doors close. He leans forward, and I jump. He eyes me curiously, reaches out, and presses the button for the tenth floor. “Jumpy?” he asks, his tone laced with humor.