Page 81 of A Fated Vow

“Did you know? About Valeria’s soul?” I ask, scowling so deeply that death himself would cower.

He had been for Valeria leaving from the start. Was his determination to truly save his kingdom, or was it to fulfill this fantasy that Alice created?

“Knew? I went with her to give the soul to the ferryman.” His eyes fall, giving me the answer to my question. “If there was any other way, any version that Alice had seen that didn’t involve hundreds of people dying, you have to know I would’ve steered you in that direction.”

They’d both kept this from me. Hell, Finn likely knows, too. I was left in the dark and now the other half of my soul has been sent away to suffer.

“Make me an ambassador. I'm already tied to the treaty. I could go and ensure Elcrys holds up his end of the deal.”

“Part of the treaty I signed ensured no one from my kingdom enters his lands and vice versa. Being an ambassador isn't an option.” Kai checks the inside of his lip, worrying filling his eyes.

“There has to be some way—”

Kai snaps, “There isn't. I'm sorry. In order—”

Alice slaps him in the chest. “Don't.” Her eyes go dark as her voice takes on a demonic tone. “He has to choose.”

Kai swallows his words, tucking his lips between his teeth. Suddenly it makes sense why he's kept me at arm's length. It’s why he's kept me in the dark about this war…

They knew I'd leave.

“I'll come back. Once I can find a way to get her out.”

Alice smiles, holding her arms out to me. I tug her close, wrapping my arms around her. “You're leaking.”

She dabs at her cheeks with her sleeve. “It's the roses.”

“Sure it is,” I say, a weak smirk playing on my lips.



Elcrys’ voice carries throughthe hall. His guards escort me in magical shackles. Before they can push open the door, I kick out with my foot, slamming the taller elf in the ribs before bringing my hands down over his head. I tear away his crystal pendant, using the shackles to deflect the blade slinging toward my face.

Magic erupts from my assailant’s fingers as the last guard channels the crystals in his gauntlets. And at the last second, I dodge before a bolt of lightning slams into the wall behind me. Right where my head had been.

I pause, looking over the scorched mark, shaking my head. Then turn back to the man. “Rude.”

His eyes widen as I kick up the sword on the floor, discarded by the unconscious guard, and catch it in my chained hands. I rush on him, our blades colliding, getting close enough to snatch his crystal away. He swings low, and I barely have time to drop my hand, the thick metal cuff around it taking most of the impact instead of my leg.

Taking a page from Valeria’s book, I snatch his dagger out of the sheath on his side and drive it through the man's throat before he can react. Blood sprays, soaking my chest, coating my hands as I yank it free. The man clutches his neck, desperate to stop the crimson pouring from the wound, but it's too late for him. He slips in the mess it's made on the aseptic white floors, his head thumping into the ground, and his body goes weak.

“How unfortunate…” I say aloud to myself, then dig in his pockets for the keys to the cuffs that are holding my magic hostage, preventing me from calling upon it. I hadn't intended to kill anyone today. Honestly, I've made an effort to turn over a new leaf, but…circumstances. I'll try again tomorrow, but with what I'm about to do, I doubt my hands will be any cleaner any time soon.

With a jingle, I yank the keys free from his pocket, making quick work to shed the cuffs. They rattle against the floor, tinkering a moment as they tumble. The gold metal circles next to the guard’s dead body before falling flat, diverting his blood spreads into a puddle near my feet.

Great. This was a new shirt.

I strip it from my body, using the fabric to wipe the spatter from my hands and face. This isn’t how I wanted to walk in there. Her people already think mine are savages, I’d hoped not to look the part. With a huff, I discard the stained shirt, not bothering to summon another one. I toss it on the dead guard, retrieve his sword and dagger, and push open the heavy carved doors.

They fly open with such force that they clap against the gray stone walls.

The sound echoes through the vast chapel-like room. Pews line either side of the main aisle, and three thrones are positioned at the end of it. The rows are filled with citizens. All of which are dressed in fine linens, decorative hats, and adorned inmore jewels than should ever be necessary. For a brief moment, I fear I've interrupted her wedding. Except when I find Valeria, she's not wearing a white gown.

Staring like she's seen a ghost, she's on her father's left, seated on a throne made of tree limbs. The branches have been wrapped and shaped into a chair, yet remain alive, budding with new leaves. Her hair is silver, her eyes matching, and the raw, unbridled rage that rips through me has talons threatening to push through my fingers.They glamoured her.

Elcrys bursts up from his chair, crystals in hand, ready to cast. “What is the meaning of this? Your king signed—”