Page 82 of A Fated Vow

“My king?Are you sure?” I hold up a finger, pouting my lips as I slowly make my way down the aisle, channeling every ounce of predatory grace I possess. “My brother has a throne, yes. It does not make him my king. In fact, he believes I'm a monster. His people,too.”

“He listed your name on the treaty. You can't lie to me, boy. I know his wife is fond of you, enough that I allowed him to place your name up as collateral.” His voice is gruff, but it’s changed since I saw him last, holding more of an authoritative ring.

The silver beard on his face is longer than he typically keeps it, coming down to the base of his throat. His long metallic hair has been braided tight against the sides of his head, to top left loose and swept back. But those piercing eyes, ones I'd like to carve out and save like trophies, are just as cold as I remember.

“That's exactly why he put me there. He couldn't care less if I die. In fact, I came, out of the kindness of my heart, towarn you.”I spin around, arms wide as I make a show of my lies. “Your treaty is useless.”

“I don't trust you.” He eyes me skeptically, sitting back down on his tree limb throne.

Examining my nails, using the dagger I stole off the guard to fish the blood out from underneath them, I say, “I wouldn'ttrust me either. My reputation isn't exactly commendable, but I suppose that depends on how badly you want to win your war. You know what I can do. Wouldn't you rather that power be on your side?”

He cocks his head as I stop just past the front row of pews. “You want to join me?”

I smile wickedly, slipping the dagger between my belt and pants, like a makeshift sheath. “No, my king. I want to serve you, but I have conditions.”

“Which are?” he asks, cutting straight to the point, tapping his fingers on his throne.

Good. Bite. You wouldn't ask if you weren't interested.

I hold a face of indifference, but for a moment, I let my eyes wander to Valeria. She's gripping the arms of her chair so tight that her knuckles flare white. She hasn't taken that terrified stare off me since I stalked into the room.

“You didn't think I'd let you leave that easy, did you?”I push the words into her mind.

She grips the chair tighter, trapping her lips between her teeth as if she's fighting to keep her mouth shut.

“Have you told him about Grim's?”

Ever so slightly, her head shakes no.

“Then breathe, Starlight. The last thing we need is you passing out on your lovely throne.”

Her face falls into discontent, and I resist the urge to roll my eyes.

“Please,”I add.

Her shoulders ease, and only then do I turn back to the king. “Who is she?” I ask, pretending not to know Valeria.

I doubt my brother mentioned our time together, and Elcrys doesn't need to know. It's best if Grim's remains a broken keep in his mind, and the gargoyles stay a secret. If Elcrys knows ofthe last few weeks, he’ll ask questions and dig into how we met. Griffin and the gargoyles don’t need his attention.

Shooting Valeria a flirty grin, I let my eyes wander down her throat to the faint mark on her breast, knowing it was made by my teeth. Then there’s the necklace I gave her, beaming brightly next to her red crystal.

My mate…The thought alone sends a spark of pride deep into my veins.

“She’s no one you should be concerned with.” Elcrys wakes the question off and I scoff.

“She must be important if you're willing to forgowarto get her back.” I turn my grin on him, biting my tongue to avoid calling him a prick out loud.

“State your demands, Asmodeus. I'm growing tired of your antics, and you're dropping blood on my floor.” Elcrys’ mouth forms a flat line, his brow furrowing as he rests his head on his hand.

"My demand is her. I'll swear fealty. I'll even make a blood deal to serve you as my king, but only if she becomes my bride."

Gasps sound from the pews behind me. I've almost forgotten about the audience in the room. They've been utterly silent. Even now, their gasps are so poised it makes me sick.

How dare a demon marry a pureblood elf?I roll my eyes.They can suck my—

“She's my only heir. I won't make someonelike younext in line to my throne.”

A deadly silence falls over the room, the tension palpable. I stand my ground, meeting Elcry gaze with a defiance that shocks even myself. “I have no desire to rule. As far as I’m concerned, the succession can skip me. The throne can fall to your grandchildren.”