Page 77 of A Fated Vow

Eva is the first to join him, setting her hand on my shoulder as she follows the king out the door.

“It was lovely to meet you,” Finn says, nodding to Valeria with pursed lips as he takes his leave behind them.

Alice nods, but I can tell by the stiffness of her movements, that she’s not pleased with how this is ending. Still, she doesn’tpress, just stands from her chair and looks at me. “You’re okay with this?”

“I’ll support whatever decision Valeria makes. If she wants to go home, then I’ll see her safely home. I won’t force her to stay.”

“Good luck to you, then. May your sacrifice not be in vain.” Alice storms from the room, muttering under her breath too low for me to make out the words. The heavy oak doors click closed behind her.

There’s no time to waste. And as much as it hurts to be losing our one night together, I’ll do what needs to be done.

I turn to Valeria, my voice quiet. “I need you to listen closely. Summoning is awful for a demon to experience, but I’d much rather wade through a tunnel of black sludge then you need my help and not get it in time.” Using my power, I draw a sigil on the table in darkness, the edges of the lines wavering like liquid floating in the air. “If you need me, draw this. You'll need to place a candle at every point. Once the candles are lit, you’re going to call me forth using my full name and title. Asmodeus Morningstar, Prince of Death.”

“That’s it? It seems so easy.” She blinks at me.

“It is, but you don’t hear about it often since the demon coming through that summoning circle is usually pissed off. The person who summoned them doesn’t typically survive the encounter.”

“Oh,” she mutters, eyes doubling in size.

“You have nothing to worry about, though.” Drawing my dagger, the blade stings as I slice open my palm, then hold the hilt out toward her. “Ready?”

“As I'll ever be.” Reluctantly, she takes it, wincing out a hiss as she mimics me. For a moment, she watches the blood well in the cut, then presses it to mine.

I let my demon side take over, glimpsing the golden strands of magic. I search for the origin thread of our deal, and pluck it witha sharp talon. A pulse of power barrels through me, knocking the breath from my lungs. The blood we exchanged that night in the woods passes through my palm and into hers and vice versa, and just like that, our lives are no longer one.

“Are you sure about this?” I ask, sliding my fingers into the spaces between hers and giving them a final squeeze. “It's not too late.”

“This is the way it has to be.” Her smile is sweet but it doesn’t reach her eyes. “Though I wish things could be different. Maybe in another life.” She cups my face and I try to memorize the way her fingers feel. “You’re a good man, Asmo, and you’re going to make some woman very happy one day.”

“I was hoping that someone would be you.” Twisting my lips, I pull my head away from her touch, trying not to look back at her face. It’s only going to make this harder. “Is there anything I can get you? Anything you want to take from Grim’s?”

“Maybe some paper and a pen. I’d like to write a note to Griffin. Otherwise, I’d just really enjoy hugging you for a moment.”

My lips tip up as I breathe out deep. “Of course you would.” Daring a glance, I find her lips pressed into a line as she blinks back tears. Without a second thought, I gather her from the seat, cradling her in my lap like I would Maevie, or any other small child. Valeria loops her arms around me and buries her head into the crook of my neck.

“You smell good,” she says, the words muffled against my shirt. I can’t help but smile, and I hate it.

“I’m glad?” I’ve never had someone tell me that before. No one has ever really told me the opposite, though, either. Well, maybe Alice once. But in my defense, we were also trapped in the Enchanted Forest for two weeks. Both of us desperately needed a bath.

Tucking my chin to her head, I hum out of instinct. I’m not sure how much time passes of me smoothing her hair, brushing it from her face, but I pray to anyone that’ll listen to not let this be the last time I see her.

The oak door creaks open and Finn peeks his head inside. “Hey, sorry, but it’s time to go.”

Valeria sits up, the warmth of her body fleeing with her, and my blood turns to ice in my veins. She quickly scribbles something on the paper and pen I summon, having forgotten about her wanting to write a note to Griffin.

"Please ensure he gets this,” she says, pressing the folded parchment into my hand.

"Of course." Words clog my throat. I’m suffocating on all the things I want to say, but it’s too tangled to get any of them out.

Together, we follow Finn through the castle. Apparently, Kai picked up on me lingering before the meeting, and sent Finn to ensure we didn’t getlost.Our footsteps echo off the stone. There’s not a soul in sight, creating an eerie silence. With the meetings finished, I wouldn’t be surprised if the staff is assisting the court, packing and loading their carriages or horses. Whatever they brought here.

Though, without the people in this castle, the click of our shoes click against the marble floors becomes that much louder. It’s like a slow march toward the gallows when you know the prisoner you're transporting won't be coming back.

Reaching the foyer, I push open the door, and just at the end of the stairs, Kai and a handful of guards are gathered. Except now, he’s in his golden armor, crown on his head and sword clipped at his hip. He looks every bit of his part, like a true king.

Kai was born for this job, and honestly, I’m glad it didn’t pass to me. I’m not sure I could’ve gone through with this, even if it was to protect my kingdom. In my head I know it’s right,but seeing her stand at that table, knowing what was coming, I would’ve taken war…

Gods, I begged, and she’s still doing this.