Page 64 of A Fated Vow

Did he lie about his ability to search my head?

Would I know if he did?

“I’m manifesting,” he says, the ring clanging once more as he traps it under his palm.

“Manifesting?” I shake my head, dropping my hand when he finally meets my eyes. “Manifesting what?”

“You mouth closed,” he says, his stone expression unreadable, but he doesn’t look away.

“Excuse me?” I gape and rage boils my blood, warming me from the inside out.

“You didn’t let me finish, Starlight.” He reaches for my face, his calloused thumb stroking over my lower lip. “I’m manifesting the way it would feel to have your mouth closed around me.”

The anger flees. The warmth that sparked through my veins melts into liquid lust, pooling between my thighs in the matter of a heartbeat. “I…”

Asmo shushes me with a tsking noise of his tongue, “You think so little of me.”

That couldn't be further from the truth.

His dark hair sways with the shake of his head. “I’m pretty sure daydreaming about how your mouth would feel is the only reason Lord Zule lived through this meeting. My mind was too absorbed with the fantasy of my cock twitching in your hands to care what he thought of me.” His eyes darken, the amber drowned out by his blown pupils. “I regret not telling you last night, but you’re fucking delicious, by the way. It's all I've been able to think about since I woke up.”

My eyes track the tip of his tongue as it slides between his lips. “I see,” I say, sounding far less breathless than I feel.

His lips quirk into a sinful grin, as he wraps a chunk of my dark hair around his finger. “A very dark part of me wants to lay you down on this table. To do unspeakable things… and know that when the lords meet here again tonight, that I’ve taken you on every inch of it.”

Despite the arousing nature of his words, he speaks so gently, so lovingly, that my head swims from the concoction it creates. "Oh…” I inadvertently lean toward him, and his smirk grows until his perfectly white teeth gleam, pleased by the effect his words have on me.

“Oh?” he mimics, brows raising. “No,do as you pleaseortake me as you will, my lord?” He eliminates the space dividing us, his fingers threading into my hair, cradling my face. “Or was that just the punch talking?” His thumb strokes over my cheek, and I can’t help but lean into him.

“I thought youweren'ta lord.”

He bites his lip. “I'm not. I'm a prince, but it sounded awfully good coming out of your mouth.”

Everything about him is consuming in the most glorious of ways. I’ve found myself living for the moments he looks at me,for these touches, and I can feel my heart breaking at the thought of losing them.

He's so guarded… And in the little time I've known him, it's been easy to derive that he doesn't let many people in often, at least not outside his family. I've never lied to him, but withholding my lineage, knowing what my father has done to his people, is just as bad.

He'll never trust me again. He might never trust anyone.

My eyes well up, my lip trembling.

He needs to know. I just don't know how to say it. How to break his heart… but he needs this information now more than ever, before he falls for me, and I fall any harder for him.

Asmo’s eyes widen, his spine stiffening as he cups my face in his hands. “Hey…” Brushing my hair away, he presses a chaste kiss to my forehead. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”

You didn’t upset me… I did this to myself.

The dam breaks, the tears gushing from my eyes, streaming down my face so fast, not even praying to the long lost gods could stop them. Twisting out of his hands, I cover my face with my own, and a sob tears through me.

I didn’t ask for this… but it’s my fault. I’ve made choices I’m not proud of and now I’m reaping the consequences.

I decided to let my people believe I’m dead. How could I have known my father would find out I’m not? The last thing I expected was for him to be wrapped up with blood witches, that he could have them search for me and give him proof of life.

The only thing I cared about when I washed up on that shore, was not having to marry an asshole I don’t love. But it was my choice not to go back. Now, people could die because of it.

I wanted Asmo to kiss me last night. I needed him to. I’d never met a demon. How the fuck was I supposed to know they could be so godawfully kind, and gentle, and loving…

He was my first demon! I wasn’t prepared.