Page 31 of A Fated Vow

“Were you in my head?” I ask, staring at the thick leather coat, the neck lined with silver fur.

“No, I can hear your teeth chattering from here. I don’t need magic or power to be annoyed by it.” A dark brow arches in my direction as he huffs, then proceeds to try to put my arms through the jacket sleeves.

“I can dress myself.” I push his hands away.

“Then do so.” He waits. Slowly, I shrug it on and he motions for me to continue into the forest.

“Are you always this pushy?”

“No, but I did warn you what happens when I get bored.”

“Oh, right. Murder. How could I forget?”

He chuckles behind me, the deep sound of it sending a shiver up my spine.

I spot the trees I marked, symbolizing the corners of the makeshift graveyard. Not realizing he’s following so close, I bend without notice, ready to brush away the leaves that cover the little headstones I made.

Before my hand can connect with the ground, Asmo barrels into me from behind.

“What the—“ The words die in his throat, lost as my weight is launched forward.

My arms flail, ready to catch myself before I hit the ground face first, but his hands grip my hips, forcing my bottom backward to steady me. I jerk the moment my ass connects to his… his…Gods, spare me.

“You can’t just stop like that,” he growls.

Said every unsatisfied woman ever.

It takes me a moment to remember I have limbs, that I’m still bent over, ass to his rather extraordinaryappendage, as if he’s about to take me here and now.

As if someone resumed time, I jerk away from his hold and stand up straight, dragging my fingers through my hairthe moment there’s a safe space between us. “Well. That was unexpected.”

He arches a brow, lips parted. His beautiful face is painted in tans and shadows and bright silver, the scar running through his eyebrow and cheek almost glowing in the light of the moons. He’s breathtaking.

As if this moment can’t become any more awkward, my brain has lost all sense. My mouth speaks the first thing that comes to my mind, and it’s not becoming of a lady. Not at all. “I didn’t expect to get bent over by a demon in a graveyard, but here we are.”

Oh no… no, no, no. I should smack myself for saying that.

Gods look at him. He’s speechless.

Then the furrow between his brow lessens. His eyes grow wider. The icy mask he’s so good at hiding behind melts away, and the laugh that leaves him soundsdivine. It’s hypnotizing, and I’ve never heard a more heartwarming sound.

“Don’t laugh at me,” I say, blinking. I’m not really sure if I want him to stop, yet I’m worried I truly might’ve broken him at the same time.

“I’m sorry, I just…” He explodes in another fit of laughter, eyes clouding with unshed tears. “I just didn’t expect that, either.” He clears his throat and clasps his hands together. “Okay,” he breathes out a deep exhale, stilling himself. “Graves. Dead bodies. Ghosts.”

“Are those your affirmations, or…?”

The corners of his mouth tip up, a sharp puff of air leaving his nose, but he quickly presses his lips together to hide it. “No. Where are they?”

“You’re standing on them.”

He pales, his head jerking as he glances down at the leafy ground, then points at his feet. I nod and he quickly hops a foot or so to the right.

“They’re there, too.” He frowns, but doesn’t say anything. “You’re already planning to dig them up. I don’t think stepping on their graves can be much worse than that.”

“Thanks… because that’s going to help me sleep tonight.”

I grin. “Glad I could help.”