Page 33 of This Wicked Bond

“No… Yes…” Vik weighs her head side to side. “Sort of. Mating someone is like claiming them, like marriage in non-shifter societies, but once the bond has been formed between two consenting parties, it’s nearly impossible to break.”

“Loric’s beast wants to marry me?” My gaze drifts to the floor, lacking the energy to keep my head up. There’s too much to process. Too much to wrap my head around. “That’s what you meant when you said my beast proposed.”

Vik nods, evident in the way her shadow wavers slightly in the dim light. “You know he’d never force you, right?”

I’m not sure what to think, except there are things that I’m quickly learning are out of my control and it’s terrifying. “Yeah.”

There’s a long pause that passes between us as Vik reads something on the desk, her lips curling up at the corners. She taps a long finger on top of a jar, much like the one Jesper had earlier, before turning back to me. “It looks like Loric’s gotten you something to eat, so I’ll leave you to it. If you need anything, just let either me, Loric, or Mira know. We’ll make sure you’re taken care of. For now, you should get some rest.”

“Thank you,” I murmur, letting her pass by me and out the door.

“Don’t mention it.” Slowly she pulls the door shut behind her and I lurch for the handle, keeping it from closing entirely.

“Sorry,” I say through the crack, quickly shoving one of my boots between the door and the frame. “I have a thing about doors. I’d prefer it to stay open if I’m to be in here alone.”

Vik eyes me, but doesn’t pry, just gives me a slight nod and heads across the cavern to join the others. That could’ve gone better… I kick myself for making it awkward. She was so nice to me, and now she likely thinks I’m childish for my irrational fear of being locked in somewhere. I can only hope that she’ll connect the dots and understand.

I turn in a tight circle, taking in the place I’ll call home for a few nights. It’s small, yet functional. Maybe half the size of my cell, and just large enough for there to be a walkway around the sides of the bed that could easily fit two people. On top of it is a quilt that seems to be the only splash of color amongst the tan woods and grays. A small table is nestled next to one side of the headboard, holding a lantern with a mage light burning within it, emitting an amber glow around the room. Another is mounted on the wall, but both are fueled by magic, a flame that’ll never go out. There are no pictures, no trinkets decorate the space, just smooth surfaces and the promise of privacy.

Then I see it. Vik’s blade. She left it. I never saw her pull it from the sheath, but I know for a fact it was on her hip when we got here. Did she think I’ll need it? Was she worried her brother would try something again?

Next to it is the jar, along with a note. I discard my canvas bag onto the bed, crossing the room.

Eat please. And when you’re done, look in the drawer.

You don’t have to tell me twice.

My stomach rumbles at the thought. I rush for the jar, quickly fumbling the cap off and dipping my fingers into the whipped contents. The only thing I’ve had to eat in the last few days are the berries Loric shared. Sinking a chocolate-covered finger between my lips, my head falls back on an audible moan.

Oh. My. Gods.

It’s rich, bitter yet sweet. The flavor explodes on my tongue and it’s so familiar, even though I’ve only tasted chocolate a handful of times over the years. It’s distinct, nostalgic, bringing back memories of Asmo and Meg and the way they watched my face as I tried it for the first time.

I can't help but smile, tears blurring my vision as I remember that day. Shaking my head, I quickly wipe the tear away as it rolls down my cheek, then tug the drawer of the end table open, the anticipation of what’s inside pricking like magic in my fingertips.

A leather-bound journal rests on top of a slender wooden box. Grabbing them, I flip through the pages. Besides the first page, it’s blank. A clean slate, full of possibilities. Turning back to the beginning, I run my fingers over the torn edges there, as if some have been removed. But it’s the message inside that has heat flooding to my cheeks, and my lips pulling into a grin, tight enough to make my face muscles ache.

To pass the time. -Loric.

Closing it, I notice an engraving in the right bottom corner, L.E. His initials maybe? It could be the craftsman too. Placing it on the bed, I pop the latch on the box and lift the lid. Inside is a neat row of charcoals, barely used by the looks of it.

How did he get these? When did he get these?

I knew Loric had gone through my things the first night, before I'd woken up from my forced nap. However, I didn’t think he looked close enough to realize I only had a couple pages left in my sketchbook and that the charcoals I brought were so small I could barely hold them between my fingers. And the last thing I would’ve expected him to do is think of me if he came across more.

But he did, and I don't know how to handle or respond to that besides to be happy.

Eating another scoop of chocolate, I take a seat, resting my back against the headboard and kicking my feet up on the mattress.

“Don’t get excited, we’re nowhere close to being safe yet.”

My spine goes pin-straight, the air trapped in my lungs. The words echo in my mind. It’s as if someone’s spoken straight to me, having stolen my voice. The thoughts are not my own, but rather her’s… my beast’s.

“It’s you…” I say out loud, unsure if I can speak to her in my head or not. Though, I haven’t seen the others talking to their other halves out loud, so there must be a way to do so.

“Yes. It’s nice to meet you Jekyll. I’m Hyde.”

I can’t help but smile at that. It’s a story, a fable from one of the books Asmo procured from the human realm. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. A man with two consciousnesses in one body. One was good–kind. The other was a monster.