Page 14 of This Wicked Bond

Jesper takes the lead riding ahead with the man who laughed at us.

“Who is the other man?” I ask, nodding at the one with the swirling red tattoos.

“Faelor.” I expected Loric to answer me, but instead it’s a younger man with short, white hair. For a moment I have to blink to ensure I’m seeing someone with my family’s signature hair color. No other family line has it, since it’s caused by my father’s genetic mutations. It’s only once I peer closer that I notice his dark roots.

Something squeaks as the horses move, but it’s not the sound of leather stretching. It’s metallic. Peering down, I find a contraption around his knee, like a hinge that’s been secured around his calf and thigh.

“And who are you?” I ask, meeting his dark violet eyes.

“The name’s Brenn,” he says, nodding to the two horses riding behind him. “And behind us, the one missing half her hair, is my mate, Mira, and the redhead is my sister, Viktoria.”

I lean around Loric to find a woman with long brown hair. The right side of her head is shaved close to her scalp, and the exposed skin is decorated with tattoos that match Faelor’s. A large sword rests in a sheath against her back and her dark brown eyes smile at me, even though her lips remain in a harsh line. Mira’s muscles flex as she lifts a hand to wave at me.

Next to her is a woman with braided red hair. Some sort of herbs are woven through it and wrap around the top of her head like a crown. “Don’t mind my brother. He can be a bit dense. I think he fell one too many times as a child.”

Brenn scowls at her. They don’t look like siblings. The only thing that confirms their relationship is that they share the same lilac-colored eyes. He huffs and nudges his horse to move faster,abandoning us to catch up with Jesper and Faelor. The grinding of metal on metal picks up speed along with the horse’s gait. He’ll never be able to sneak up on someone. Not with that hinge.

“Does he always squeak like that?” I ask Loric, trying to keep my voice down.

“For the most part.” He clears his throat, leaning closer so only I can hear him. “He’s sensitive about it, so don’t stare at it for too long and definitely don’t ask questions. If you must know something, it’s best to ask Mira or Vik.”

“I wasn’t planning to,” I say, tearing my eyes away from the three men riding side by side in front of us. The wind blows and my spine stiffens. It’s not frigid, but it’s cool enough in the shade of the trees to nip at my skin.

“Here.” Loric pulls at the tie securing the dark green fabric around his neck.

How is it only me that’s cold?Both the women behind us barely have anything on outside of leather pants and thin, loose shirts. Faelor is practically naked and none of the others seem bothered by it. Yet, I have multiple layers of fabric in my skirts and long sleeves… Every inch of my exposed skin is covered in goosebumps.

Loric flips the velvet over my front, like a blanket. “When we get to the village, we’ll see about getting you some better clothes. I checked the things you packed, and I don’t think dresses are going to cut it. At least not out here at night.”

“Thank you for letting me borrow your cape.”

I can hear his teeth grind. “It’s acloak, and you’re welcome. Though, it probably would’ve been wise of you to have brought something similar instead of stories and art supplies.”

“Unfortunately, we were all out of capes in the dungeon. I’ll remember that next time I frantically escape prison to run amok with strangers in the woods.”

He releases a deep breath and I’m certain if I turned around, I’d find him shaking his head.

Loric reaches into the cloak pocket and retrieves a handful of berries. He pops one into his mouth, then offers another to me.

“I’m good, thanks,” I say, pushing his hand away from my lips.

“You barely ate anything.” He shoves the berry closer, and when I ignore it, he presses it to my lips. “Open.”

“Excuse me, I’m not a toddler who needs to be spoon-fed. You don’t—” The berry is pushed between my lips as I speak and I quickly eat it, ready to raise hell. He’s a hired hand to ensure my safety. Not my fucking master. “I can’t believe—” Another one is catapulted into my mouth. “Can you—” And another. “Stop it!”

“Stop opening your mouth and I’ll stop keeping it busy.”Asshole.

“You’re a dick—” My face falls as I eat the berry, only this time I don’t open my mouth.

“I could do this all day, Chaos.” Loric rolls the berries around in his palm, taunting me. “What? No comment?”

Shaking my head, I watch the others on their horses in front of us.

“Awe, you’re learning. I’m so proud of you,” he coos.

Pursing my lips, I hate the way that single phrase can send warmth swirling in my gut.

Maybe the king did kill me.Maybe I never woke up and this is what eternal punishment looks like—a six-foot something, dark-haired, silver-eyed, atrociously handsome man with a knack for getting under my skin.