Page 71 of This Wicked Bond

They were my own doing.

I knew this was temporary, that we'll have to part ways soon, but Loric promised that he'd take me wherever I wanted to go–whether that be the outer realm or the moons. And the moment we got to either, things between us would change.

This is all we can be. He was right. Knowing what I am and who my mother is changes things, but I haven't completely decided what I want.

On the one hand, going to the outer realm allows me to stay with him. But that's assuming he wants me to stay. If he doesn't, what do I have there? I know no one. I have no friends, nofamily. There are dragons that I could learn from, but I don't know what comes after that.

Then there's a small part of me that wants to go to the moons. Loric was right about that, too. I want to see all the places I’ve painted, all the places Meg told me stories about. Even if it is just to visit. She spoke so highly of the dragons that it's hard to not be curious. Those were her people. She ruled over them, loved them enough to sacrifice herself for their freedom, and cared for them like her own children.

I could hear it in her voice, though at the time I thought it was pure fascination or her imagination guarding her from the trauma. I'd thought she either made it up, or let herself get consumed by the stories to keep a spark of hope alive that we'd make it out and see those places one day. I had no idea that it wasn't her wishing to be there, rather her missing home.

I want to know about them. I feel like I owe it to Meg, but I don't want her crown. I don't even know the first thing about ruling, especially over a species I barely know. Still, it doesn't stop me from imagining what it would feel like to step on those moons, to see that crystal castle, to feel the power in the air. I just don't understand why Loric can't visit with me.

I supposed I could go see it, explore the pieces of me I never knew existed, then come back. Dragons can pass through the realm boundary. And if he won't stay on the moons–and if going to the outer realm doesn't sit well with me–then there's six other realms we could go to. We could start somewhere new. But I won't ask him to leave his friends, and clearly there's somedutytying him here.

So, I’ll keep it in my mind that this is temporary. That we’re simply two people who are attracted to one another, exploring something that has a means to an end.

Still, I wanted him to bite me and that was a shocking revelation. I thought I'd be terrified of it, that the second histeeth touched my throat I’d be frozen in fear, but it was the opposite. His teeth scraped my skin and it took everything I had not to moan. I felt butterflies in every inch of my body, heat cooked in my middle, burning so bright, so hot I could've melted in his arms.

It was at that moment I knew he was right. All it would take is one bite, whether initiated by him or me, and I don't know if I could resist the pull between us, whatever magical force that would fill us up with desire, the want for more. I already feel that now without being marked. I can’t imagine what it would be like if I was.

With that said, I’ll indulge in what little time we have. I'll let him take me up to the moons and I'll leave whatever happens next up to The Fates.

I only wish it didn't have to end.

It's incredible how fast things have changed in just a short period of time, of days, a week at most. I went from fearing the dragons to being one, and not just any one, butroyalty.

I'm not sure what Meg would want me to do. Would she want me to claim the crown, to try and rule a species I don't know? The dragons are powerful, but they're also ruthless. They have a code that if broken won't go unpunished, and I doubt they’d want a Midicious on the throne.

And I, for one, prefer my head firmly planted on my shoulders and not rolling across the ground. But what I do know is, I at least have to see it. As for claiming the crown, I'm not even sure how to do that to begin with, so that’s a subject that can wait until another day. For now, I just need to get there. Home.

I don't know how to process that. How can I feel like somewhere I've never been is home? Yet, it feels like I've known the moons my whole life with all the stories Meg has told me, and if Meg is my mother, then I'll be safe there, regardless of who my father is.

The moment the hell flame started shining down on our twisted realm, we’d set out, leaving the cavern and the bar behind without a glance back.

It took us all of the day to get to Ashbourne, but despite the long journey I didn’t argue about sharing a horse, nor did I point out how Loric made excuses to touch me, to braid my hair, claiming it was in his face, or even just to hold me to him because there was uneven ground up ahead. We'd stayed within the winding valleys between the mountains, snaking around them, so there wasn't anyuneven ground.Yet, I didn't stop him. I craved his nearness and yearned for every excuse he made.

The horses’ packs are heavier now, laden with whatever we could scavenge from the cavern and bar. Gael would no longer need the rations he stored or the magical trinkets in his study, but they’d get us through for the next couple days. Loric had let me keep the bestiary too, claiming I paid for it in blood, and that little win had my lips pulled into a wide smile for half the trip.

The warmth of the hell flame caresses my skin, a sensation I can't help but relish after spending days underground, and almost freezing in the clearing. We finally approach Ashbourne, my legs a chorus of aching muscles. Most of which I didn’t know existed until now, but the most notable is the way my thighs burn from the constant flexing required to maintain balance on our long ride.

We round the last curve of the trail, and the quaint village of Ashbourne unfolds before us. It's speckled with cottage-like structures, nestled among stone roads. The roofs, thatched with a hay-like material, give it a rustic charm. Rather than imposing upon the mountains that rise on either side, the villagegracefully weaves along the base, spilling through the valley in harmony with the earth.

We pull off the trail, and the others start gathering our things. Loric's hands are gentle yet firm as he aids me in dismounting and I wince the moment my feet hit the solid ground.

"If I never ride one of these things again, I'd be the happiest person alive," I grumble, hissing through my teeth as I attempt to walk off the ache.

Loric chuckles, handing the reins to Jesper. "Luckily for you, this is where we got them, so from here, we're on foot."

I fall into step with him, making way for the front gates of the village. A tall fence made from some sort of metal, like the bars of a cell surrounding it. "What is this place?"

“It's an elven village.”

As we walk, the quaint village unfolds around us. The people are mostly dark elves with their skin and long pointed ears, but there are other species sprinkled throughout it. Orcs, shifters in humanoid forms, mages and druids… it's hard to tell what most are just by looking at them, but they stand out against the sea of gray.

A bridge arches gracefully over a river that cuts straight through the town. The air is alive with excitement, as if the village itself is stirring with anticipation, preparing for some sort of festival. Paper lanterns hang on every hook, the cobblestone chalked with vibrant swirls, and twisted ribbons adorn pillars. It's magical.

"What's all this for?" I stop at the gate, curling a finger around a ribbon.