Page 68 of Beacon

“See, Garner. That’s how you treat a girl.” I’d know her voice anywhere, and I break from Dom, coming face-to-face with Garner and Kayla.

“And maybe I’d treata girlthat way if she actually let me touch her.”

It seems I’m back in the wide world of wrestling, and the match as always is between one Garner Blakely and Kayla Peters.

“Sorry,” he says under his breath. Could it be Dom is sorry for groping me in front of his friends, which is unlikely, or apologizing for Kayla and Garner’s behavior? The latter option would be my guess.

“Oh, hey, you two.” It’s the last thing I need, more bickering, after today’s showdown with the boys.

“Hey, Sandra, glad to see you,” Kayla begins, and it looks as if she’ll be ignoring Garner’s comments that are directed straight at her. “So, what is it we’re ordering for dinner tonight?” she asks, turning her back to Garner.

“I thought you mentioned you’d cook?” he questions, and I exchange looks with Dom.

“In this pigsty, Gar? You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” she returns, sitting down next to his space and cuddling up next to him. Even Otis has had enough of them for one night, and he walks over to Dom’s door and whines to escape this madness.

“I think we’re going to figure it out on our own, Kayla, but thanks,” Dom answers for me and tugs me by my hand toward his private space.

He closes the door securely, dropping his head against the wall. “Fuck, sorry about that.”

“God, they’re so exhausting. But thanks. After the guys squabbling like little boys today, I don’t have the energy for them.” I point in the direction of the living room. Unlike the rest of the apartment when his other roommates are home, Dom’s space is immaculate. If they’re working and are on patrol, Dom keeps the house spotless, but the second they’re home, it reminds me of the most disgusting bachelor pad ever.

Fortunately, Dom’s room is clean, and he has the master with an en suite.

There’s a small love seat in the corner of the room, and before I can fall on the bed, he pulls me onto his lap. “Fuck, I missed you today.” Otis takes this time to sit next to us on the empty seat. “But Otie Totie and I had a good day.”

His eyes sparkle in mischief, and I turn to Otis, wondering how many snacks Dom gave to my dog.

“So, tell me, what the fuck happened at the press conference? I thought it was about the product, and not the relationship between Matthias and whatever the fuck his name is.”

I roll my eyes as my answer. “Yeah, and it turned to the war of the worlds afterward. And you should have seen the look on his face—Nate’s, that is. He wasrevelingin the fight he caused between them.”

Dom adjusts his stance and begins massaging my shoulders. “Did anything get sorted out?”

“No, I left them to beat the shit out of each other,” I admit.

“Do you think it’s time to let Mr. Hennessy know more about your concerns? You’re not going behind Matthias’s back, especially if you’re vague or confirm he has a reason for being worried.”

“You’re a wise man, you know this, right?” I ask.

And before his mouth crashes on mine, he answers with a yes. But it’s all I remember as he begins to unzip my dress.



I’m deep into the financials for our advertising budget, and since the press conference a couple weeks ago, both Edwin and I have allocated more money to our campaign. We don’t have the buzz around this game that we’ve had with our other ones. The only difference is a successful press conference where we canpromote the product—which we didn’t have.

The creak of the door alerts me to someone entering my office without permission. It must be Dom surprising me. I look up, and it’s not my boyfriend, but fucking Nate Williams.

“Um, Nate. What’s up? I normally appreciate it when someone knocks first before entering my office.” My delivery isn’t tactful, but I don’t care.

“Yeah, well, sorry. Actually, I’m not sorry. You’ve had it out for me since the day we met. And I’m tired of you and the partners bad-mouthing me to Matt.”

My voice adopts a commanding tone. “You listen here, you little shit. In the few months you’ve been a part of Matthias’s life, our once-fun environment has turned from everyone treatingthis job as if it’s a game we’ve just designed to no one wanting to be here. You’ve taken one of the sweetest men I’ve known and turned him against his partners.”

He slams his hands down on my desk. “I’m his partner, and the only one that matters, so get that through your stupid, cunt-ass brain.”

He exits the office, and he’s clearly timed his rant for when no one is around, since it’s after normal working hours. I’m left to wonder if this man is out of his fucking mind.