Page 60 of Beacon

Bo:As for me, Jack is cooking dinner tonight, and I’m sleeping in the guest room.

It’s almost too comical, but I know Bodhi is hurting like I am.

Bo:Text me later. Let me know how it goes. Wish me luck that I get through tonight.

I begin to send him another text but get interrupted by Garner.

Garner:Hey, where are you? Are you safe?

Me:Yeah, I’m at Sandra’s. I needed to talk to her and got snowed in here. She didn’t like what I said and now I’m relegated to the couch. What about you?

Garner:Jeremiah and I are here. And they aren’t letting anyone leave the building. I thought we’d get called in, but the streets are so bad they don’t want us to take a chance.

Me:I’m glad you’re home. Just you and Jeremiah?

Dots appear, and like Bo, they disappear for a while only to reappear. I know what’s coming.

Garner:Kayla is here. We were on our way to see the triplets, and she was five minutes from our apartment. I told her to get her ass up here before she was stuck, and now Jeremiah is hating life.

For two people who fight like they’ve been married for fifty years, they choose to spend too much fucking time together.

Garner:Don’t say it.

I won’t. I have grown tired of it. He loves her. She loves him, but is too set in her way to admit that this one time, she has fallen for a person with a dick instead of a pussy. I know it’s scary— she’s never loved a man, and Garner is one fucking bossy and dominant man when it comes to Kayla—but shit, I’d wish they’d put us all out of our misery.

Me:I don’t have anything to say.

I hit send when the door opens to Sandra’s bedroom.

Me:Gotta run. Be safe. See you tomorrow. Or whenever this storm fucking stops.

He sends me back the thumbs-up emoji because he knows I fucking hate it, and our conversation is over.

“You okay?” I ask as she passes the living room on her way to the kitchen.

“Yeah. I needed some water. Everyone safe on your end?”

She’s talking to me. Well, it’s a start.

“Bodhi is stuck at his ex-wife’s house with her and her boyfriend. Garner and Kayla are holed up at our apartment, with Jeremiah. And as mad as you are at me, I’m so glad I’m not stuck in tight quarters with Kayla Peters and Garner Blakely.”

She pulls a large bag from the fridge and dumps a fuck ton of grapes into a colander, rinsing them off.

“I know you like fruit, but do you have anything else in your fridge? I’ll cook us some supper.”

She takes a portion of the grapes and moves it to a tray, transferring the reserve to a storage container.

“Yeah, have your way with my fridge.”

She passes me, and as I stand, I snag one of her grapes. It tastes sweet. Where green grapes have a little bit of a sour taste to them, this is different. “Am I crazy or do those taste like cotton candy?” I ask, turning around, waiting to see what she does.

“Yeah. They’re called cotton candy grapes and are my favorite, and Mrs. Winslow buys them anytime she finds them at the market.”

I walk back over and grab a couple more. “Fuck, those are good.”

I make my way back to the kitchen and sift through her freezer and pantry. “Do you like salmon patties?” I ask when I come across canned salmon and breadcrumbs on the shelves of the cabinets.

“Never had it. I was going to make a salmon dip with those cans, but help yourself.”