Page 54 of Beacon

I take one last peek at the picture and close out of my photos, placing the phone down. There’s a knock on my door, and when I call out it’s open, in walks Matthias.

“Hey, Sandra. I’ve barely seen you all week. Finn told me you looked sick or worn down. Are you okay?”

I give him a slight nod of my head, but I’m not very persuasive.

“I don’t believe you for one second, but in case you need to chat, I’m here, okay?”

I want to reassure him that I have this, on the cusp of the new game release, but the tight smile that splits my lips is not the typical expression he’s used to with me. “I appreciate it, Matthias. But, I assume you came in here to chat about the release?”

“I have news, but not anything about the release. Everything seems lined up and ready to go for the next month. And everyone is doing a great job. I appreciate it so much.”

There’s a change in Matthias. His face is full of power and confidence, in a way I’ve never seen. He stands straight, and a brilliant and broad grin shows his pearly whites. It sounds like apositive change, but I miss the quiet and empathetic man. He’s almost too cocky.

“I wanted you to be the first to know that Nate and I are engaged.”

My mouth hangs open at this news. It has been obvious that he’s serious about this new gentleman, the only romantic interest he’s ever introduced to me. But this is rather fast, and I hold onto the words from his grandfather from just last week.

“Does Sherman know?” I ask, and I realize I skipped over the congratulations.

“No, my grandfather doesn’t like Nate, but I assume you know this already.”

I won’t lie to Matt. He knows about our monthly lunches.

“He mentioned his concerns. I didn’t say anything that would breach our trust, I hope you know that. I don’t think it’s that he doesn’t like Nate, though.”

“Trust and like go hand in hand. I mean, you have to have trust to have a relationship, and he’s made it clear he doesn’t want to spend more time with him.”

Sherman can be a stubborn SOB at times, but he loves Matthias more than life itself.

“In your grandfather’s defense, the timing is suspect, Matt. You’re the major stockholder of a multi-billion-dollar company.”

His eyes flash with anger, and he steps forward. “I’ve always given you full range to be candid with me, Sandra, but remember I’m the boss at the end of the day.”

I stand from my desk, staring at him and I realize all my heartache from the past few weeks will be unleashed on him. But at this very minute, he needs my wrath, and I need to get it out. “Well listen up you spoiled little brat, I was brought in to tell you the hard things, stuff you don’t want to hear. I get it, fast love. Love so electric that you don’t think you’re able to breathe without his touch, or smile, or laugh. I know you lovehim; I see the way your eyes follow every move he makes when he’s within your line of sight. Or how you constantly look at your phone, and the stupid little smirk on your face, which is different from the expression when one of the guys sends you a stupid but funny GIF. The thought of one day without him sends so much fear through your body you’d rather die than endure that sort of pain.”

I lean further toward him, my hands flat on the desk. “I understand this more than you can fathom, but at the same time, my job is to tell you what you don’t want to hear. And the bottom line is you’d be an idiot to give him all of you when you don’t know what he wants. I get fast love. I wish I didn’t. But you have many people depending on you, and going into a permanent relationship this soon, when you have the livelihood of your company to think about, is fucked up on your part. So, if you want to berate me for speaking my mind, berate me. Fire me. I don’t fucking care. But don’t act as if you shouldn’t hear these words just because I’m the only one who will tell you. If I still have a fucking job on Monday, I’ll see you then.”

I snatch up my purse, and when I walk past him, I realize I needed to hear my own words as much as Matthias does. And hopefully I still have a job come Monday.

“Otis, come on, boy.”He stops in the middle of the busy streets, interrupting other people’s Saturday because he’s ornery today. “Yeah, I miss him too, buddy.”

We walk three steps and I hear my name. “Sandra?” It’s faintly familiar, and I turn around to the same dark features asher brother’s. In the city of over two million, I run into Dom’s younger sister.

This isn’t super awkward at all.“Daria, um, hey.”

“Yeah, hey.” She shifts on the heels of her feet. “I’m sure you don’t want to hear this, but I’m sorry to hear about you and Dom. You two were great together.”

What do I say? Does she know? And will she look at me like other women do, as someone unfit to be called a female because I choose not to have children?

“Thanks. No one is as sorry about it as I am.”

“You know, we all loved you, and just because you and Dom are over doesn’t mean I don’t want to stay in touch with you. I can see why my brother loved you. I know it’s no one’s fault. Sometimes some things aren’t able to be worked out.”

The look on my face must be grim because she quickly adds, “He never shared what happened between you two. I think Daimen knows, but he’s keeping it close to his chest. I know you didn’t cheat, and it’s the one thing that I find unforgivable. So,” she says, shuffling through her purse, handing me her phone, “put your number in here, and maybe we can get a drink one night.”

She’s extending an olive branch, and I appreciate it. A text comes through on my phone. It’s Daria.

“It’s up to you, Sandra. I know it’s hard now, but one day, send me a text.” She brings me in for a hug, and I never got the feeling that Daria was a touchy-feely type of girl, but when I hug her back, I don’t feel as alone as I did just seconds ago.