Irun down the stairs, and Otis is still on the couch eating the bacon wrapped around the bone. He looks up at me, then continues with his bone.
I had packed grapes, blueberries, strawberries, and apples. Blueberries are the easiest thing to grab, along with a bottle of water. Sandra has never experienced sub drop like this.
I run back up the stairs, Otis stays put, and I find that my Rosso is curled up in bed, on her side, still smiling dreamily. “San, honey, I’m going to pull you up against my chest and feed you some berries. Okay?”
She’s still smiling, but nods her head. I’m standing by the bed and sit down, moving my legs around her, and pulling her back to my body, like I’d told her I’d do.
Her head flops over a little. “Sandra, do you hear me?” I ask.
“I do. Are you going to feed me some berries?” Her tone has a little bit of a haze to it.
“I am, baby.” I move her over to my shoulder, where I can see her. I place the water in her hands. “First, drink some water, okay?”
She takes it and she slurps a large gulp, then another. “I love you so much, Dom. You take such good care of me.”
I put the cap on her water and rest it next to us. I place two berries at her mouth, and she nibbles them from my fingers. “Let’s get you some more.”
“These berries are super sweet.” Her voice is beginning to sound normal, and not so fuzzy.
“You coming back to me?” I ask.
“I am but, that was weird.” She sits up a little more, not hunched over on me like before. “I was never worried; I knew you were here the whole time.”
“I’m glad you know I’m here for you always.” I kiss Sandra on her lips, give her the bowl of berries, and she begins to feed herself. This is the way I always want it.
We dressfor a fancy dinner in the downtown area of Galena, but Sandra wants to leave early to do some shopping. “There’s nothing like small town shopping. They have the best things,” she croons.
She’s in an outfit I’m a huge fan of because it makes her tits look incredible. “This is a summer dress, you know, right? And it’s mid-October.”
“I packed two sweaters to go over it.” One’s a tight cardigan that doesn’t hide her tits but gives her some warmth.
“All grown men at some level are fifteen-year-old boys, wanting large tits and rounded asses,” she quips.
I lean into her as she pulls for a pair of large-hooped earrings, matching her emerald-green dress.
I smack her ass playfully. “And lucky me, you have both, baby.”
She shakes her head, and I take her hand as we walk down the steps to the main living space. “Otis. You stay put and be a good boy, you hear me?” she asks, and he continues to sit on the couch, the bone destroyed and the hedgehog looking like it’s been attacked by wildebeests.
“I think he wore himself out.”
He doesn’t chuff at me as I pet him. “Maybe that means something,” I say out loud.
“It’s certainly something.” She laces her hand in mine, and it’s time I show my girl a night on the town.
“Tomorrow,I’d thought we’d go to Thunder Bay Falls. Have you been there before?”
She’s taking a sip of her wine. “I’ve not been there. But, I’ve heard of it, and I’d love to go. It should be cool enough and we can take Otis,” she adds.
“I thought you might like that. I’ll pack us some lunch and we can enjoy the abnormally warmer weather for October.”
She extends her hand to mine. “I’d love that, baby. This is perfect. You’re going to spoil me.”
“And you deserve to be spoiled, Rosso.”
The night is perfect, but not as perfect as it’ll be when we get back to the house.
We lostour clothes the second we crossed over the threshold of the door. The house is protected by so many trees that we’re naked on the outdoor deck with a large blanket covering us. The plan was to use the hot tub, but we didn’t get very far.