Page 73 of Beacon

My hands begin to shake. What is this smoking gun he claims he’s found? Pulling up my most recent emails, I click on the documents, which states Nate’s real name, and the connection to the company.

“Fuck, Sherman. The son of a bitch hid this so deep. But how?”

I know I’m going to break Matthias’s heart, but Nate Williams never loved Matt.

“I’ll take care of it. I’ll see you when you get back, right?” I ask.

“MELCR is my first stop. Tell my grandson I’m on my way.”

It may be little solace as I break Matthias Hennessy’s heart.



I’ve not heard from Sandra all afternoon. After a week of unplanned leave, she was itching to get back into the office, especially with the new game release in a week. She’d been vomit free for two days and able to keep a couple small meals down. She’s still not eating a lot, but she’s drinking and, in my book, it’s a small victory.

We’ve not spoken about the pregnancy and what it means for us and our future. Our future is written in stone. She’s mine, and I’m not letting her go, but I’m uncertain if our future includes our baby.

I want it to include our baby. I’m trying to not let myself wonder what the little guy or sweet girl would look like. Would he have my nose? Would she have Sandra’s flaming red hair? Would he laugh like her? Would she love soccer like me?

I say I won’t go there, but it’s precisely what I’m thinking as I step off the elevator at six on a Friday night. I’ve not been able to reach her, and I’m starting to worry, like both a husband and father. Fuck. I stick by my original statement. It’s her body. Shepromised to take time to think about it. It’s all I can ask. Who am I fooling? I want this baby, but I also wantherto want our baby.

I punch in the security code on the elevator Sandra had given me to enter the office spaces. Right away, I’m assaulted by loud voices, one I know too well. My feet follow the loud conversation, and before long, I find Sandra and the twat I remember from the press conference a couple weeks or so ago.

“You’re just sorry you got caught, you fucking weasel.” Sandra’s voice is authoritative, and she’s not backing down.

“Listen, you bitch. You’re messing with the wrong man. I’m telling you, stay out of our business.”

She steps closer to him. “It’s my business. You’re in bed with Trace Hollerman. I knew there was something off about you. He’s been out to ruin this business since he was ousted from it years ago. And what, he sent you to spy?”

He raises his arm, and where I’d been willing to see where this stand-off would go, it’s when I draw the fucking line.

“Don’t you dare fucking touch her.” I rush from the doorway and put myself in between the fucktwat and Sandra. “I swear to the fucking heavens, youeverput your hands on her, you’ll be breathing through a hole in your neck.”

I turn to my girl, but keep my peripheral on him. “You okay?”

“I’m okay, baby. Thanks. But as I was just explaining to Nate Williams here, his little ruse is up. He’s not Nate Williams. He’s NateHollerman, the cousin to one of the original partners—until Trace Hollerman proved himself to be a thief.”

I’ve heard enough.

“I suggest you get the fuck out of here, and never show your face anywhere near Sandra again.”

He attempts to circle my body as I continue to stand between him and Sandra. “I’m not done with you, bitch. I’m not walking away from Matthias.”

I stare him down, stepping closer to him, as he backs away. He’s not much taller than Sandra, and I tower over him. I don’t take my eyes off the weasel. “You threaten her or get within an inch of my girlfriend again, I’ll kill you. You hear me?” We have an audience. The cleaning crew is witness to my promise. But, he must believe me, because he walks directly to the elevator.

When the elevator dings, I twist my body around and take Sandra in my arms.

“You okay?” I ask.

She’s shaking, her teeth chattering, and I tug her flush to my body. “Fuck, you’re a bad ass, standing up to that fuckface like you did. Did he really use Matthias to get an in with the company?”

She nods her head as it’s tucked up under my shoulder. “Sherman, Matthias’s grandfather, found the connection between Nate and Trace.” She sniffles.

“Nate was close to doing what he set out to do, and that was to drive a wedge between Matt and the rest of the partners. Trace hoped Nate could talk Matt into bringing him back on.”

“Fuck,” I say under my breath. “Matthias?”