“More than okay, Dom. I’ve missed you so much.”
He rolls the condom onto his cock but starts at my mouth with a kiss to undo all kisses. He begins slowly, taking charge, but his entire body joins in the kiss as his hands begin to rediscover every inch of me. He pulls back.
“You and me, forever, okay?” he asks.
“You and me, forever, Dom. I promise.”
He kisses my body, all the way down my torso until he gets to my sex. “I’ve missed tasting you, baby.”
And I’ve missed being tasted, I think to myself.
His tongue circles my clit, and I hold on tight to his head, running my fingers through his dark hair.
“I need you, Dom. I need you now.” I love our rougher sex life, and this is beautiful, the two of us in this way. True intimacy.
“You got me.” He pulls away from me for a brief second, only to push inside of me, gently, his eyes never leaving mine.
We’re quiet as we make love, and I’ve never felt closer to another person in my life as I do with Dom.
“When didyou wiggle your way in here last night?” I ask of the snoring dog between Dom and me. I’m not sure who is snoring louder, Dom or Otis. It may be a tie.
I wonder if Dom forgot to shut the door after he washed up last night. My body is sore, and I don’t remember him crawling back into bed.
“I let Otis in last night once I ensured you were okay.” After we made love, we were still crazy for each other. Our sex had been rather explosive, and he brought me blueberries and a glass of milk after he cleaned me up. “You were out like a light before I could kiss you goodnight, and truth be told, I sort of love this little shit,” he says, half asleep, bringing Otis into his space.
One thing the lazy lug hates is being woken up, and he begins to chuff at Dom. “And to think I just gave you a compliment, you little shit.”
It must be the tone because Otis stands and curls in closer to him, as a form of an apology.
“I love you too,” he says, placing a kiss on his head.
“Aw, you guys are so cute together,” I tease, rolling over on my side, staring at both of them. His hand reaches out to me, caressing my chin.
“So that happened last night,” he says, as though he climbed Mt. Everest.
“It did.” I pause, contemplating everything we agreed to. “Are you really okay with everything, Dom? I need to know. There’s no shame in saying we want different things in life, but I can’t let you go again. So, I need to know now, and if you’re not, then this will be our goodbye.”
He moves closer to me, pushing Otis down toward the foot of the bed. “I was as honest with you as I could be, and the bottom line is I want you, baby.”
A tear falls down my cheek, and then another one comes until they have a mind of their own and I can’t control them.
“Sandra, baby, what’s wrong? What is going on in your brilliant and beautiful mind?”
Does he think I’m walking away from him? In the way he stares, wrinkles forming in the creases above his eyes, I wonder.
“I’m just so happy, Dom. You make me happy, and if you were to walk away, I’d never find another like you again.”
There’s a sneaky grin that creeps onto his face. “So, you didn’t go out with that Curtis tool?”
Oh, he’s jealous, and I really love it. “No, not at all. Wait, did you go out with that Jenna skank you brought to my sister’s party?” I ask.
“And nowyou’rejealous. And no, baby, getting over you would take a whole lifetime, so please tell me this is real, and we can move forward?”
It’s the only thing I want, and I cup his cheeks with my hands. “It’s real, Dominic Torano. You’re all I want.”