Lennon huffs a breath. “I told her I wouldn’t say that. It was dumb, but we are here with ice cream. Let us invade your space.”

I laugh, grinning as they both step into my apartment. Thank God I haven’t lost the motivation to clean. I’m not that depressed.

“Why are you guys here?” I ask, quickly flicking on an extra lamp as Lennon helps herself to all the silverware my kitchen holds. The noise rattles through the house, and I start to question if she’s okay.

“Finn called us. He gets back in a few days, and thought we should check in again.” Cass’s blue eyes look worried, and I suddenly realize why Finn invited them over.

“He told you I cried on the phone, didn’t he?”

Cass cringes. “Well,” she says, dragging the word out like she doesn’t want to admit to espionage or whatever this qualifies as.

When Lennon appears again with three spoons, she throws herself on the couch and flicks the television on. “Of course he told us that,” she says. “And it was uncomfortable, but he loves you, so we complied.”

“For the record.” Cass sets the ice cream down on the coffee table. “I was not uncomfortable at all.”

We crowd onto the couch, settling on an episode ofNew Girlbefore digging into the pints of ice cream they bought. Whatever flavor Lennon purchased is far better than any popsicle I’ve ever had.

Between the show, the pajamas, Finn’s inappropriate texts, and the ice cream, some of the numbness of the last week starts to fade.

When the clock hits one in the morning, I become suddenly aware of every birthday I’ve ever had.

“It’s late,” I announce.

Cass is practically snoring on the couch, and Lennon is shoveling handfuls of popcorn into her mouth as she laughs at the screen. “We’re staying here,” she says.

I smile, looking down at my hands in my lap. “Okay,” I say, my voice low.

My phone vibrates on the coffee table, and I pick it up. Opening the screen to the newest texts from Finn.

Finn:I hope they brought you good ice cream flavors. Lennon said you liked some lavender one. I told her it sounded weird, and she proceeded to lecture me about how she’s known you longer.

I snort, drawing Lennon’s attention away from the bowl of popcorn on her lap.

Finn:I also can’t wait to see you. You know, I thought we could–

“Oh, disgusting!”

I quickly lock my phone, looking at Lennon’s mortified expression. I can’t help the way my cheeks flame, knowing she read that last message. I don’t dare respond–not with her present.

“You’re the one who looked,” I say.

Lennon stands up, grabbing our empty cartons of ice cream before fleeing to the kitchen. “I wasn’t aware Griffin could be so repulsive,” she yells.

“Wait.” Cass sits up, suddenly awake and ready to jump into the conversation. I giggle. “What did he say?” she asks, her voice still coated in sleep.

I don’t answer.

“Lennon!” she shouts, more awake now. “Text me what he said if you’re too afraid to say it. I need to know why we are so repulsed by Finn!”

Appearing from around the corner, Lennon’s lips pull up as her eyes sparkle with mischief. “Oh,” she says, and by the tone of her voice, I know exactly where she’s going. “I’m not afraid to say it. Griffin, the gentleman that he is, told Ellie they should–”

I cut her off with a pillow hurled from the couch.

“Fuck you!” she shouts, but there’s no malice to be found.

Lennon plants herself on the couch, a solid foot further away from me than she was before. “I’ll just text it to you,” she mutters.
