She looks stunning–breathtaking. Her hair hangs loose around her shoulders, eyes sparkling with joy. I’m so proud of her, it almost hurts.

I grab her face in my hands and press my mouth to hers. She gasps, slowly melting into the kiss with her hands fisting my suit jacket. “I’m really proud of you, you know,” I whisper against her lips before pushing my fingers into her hair and claiming her mouth again.

When I turn her around, pressing her against the bathroom door, she gasps, pulling away. “We can’t have sex in this bathroom, Finn.”

I move my mouth to her neck. Despite her words, she’s still arching her back, leaning into me in a way that drives me wild. I suddenly realize that what she said is actually a great option. It wasn’t why I was looking for her, but it seems way better.

“Why not?” I ask, before flicking my tongue out over her flushed skin. Despite her words, she drags me closer.

“Finn,” she warns.

I withdraw myself and take a step back. “Fine,” I say before pointing a finger at her. “But later, maybe.”

She smiles.

“I was actually looking for you to let you know you sold two drawings.”

Ellis leaps into my arms, and I stumble back, catching her around the waist. Her laugh vibrates against my chest. “Oh my God,” she says. When she breaks away, she presses her hands to my shoulders. “You’re serious?”

“Yes, and your ass looks great in that dress. I wanted to tell you that, too.”

She doesn’t seem to notice. It’s like she’s flying above the clouds–too busy to pay my desires any mind. “I sold two drawings!” she echoes.

“Yes, and did you catch the part about your ass?”

She swats at me before squealing. “Yes, I heard you, but I’m too excited.” She glances at the toilet in the corner. “Okay, I really have to go. Get out of here before someone thinks we’re having sex.”

I laugh, moving toward the door to sneak out, but I pause when I hear her voice again.

“Oh!” she starts. “Go find Lennon. Cass told me she was yelling at Noah on the patio.”

I turn back, the smile still stuck to my face. “I heard about that.”

When she practically pushes me out, I make my way into the hallway, finding a guest standing and waiting for the bathroom.

I smooth down my tie and offer them a friendly expression. “Someone’s still in there, sorry.”

The look of horror on the woman’s face is enough to provide comedic relief for days.

I move through the rooms of the gallery, finding the French doors at the back toward the patio. Muffled sounds leak through, and I’m left staring at the random guest I saw earlier, a tall man with a gruff beard and a suit that doesn’t quite fit.

Ellie’s aunt is out there too, and she looks pissed. Brian is nowhere to be found.

When I open the doors, the muffled sounds turn to all out shouting, and I’m left wondering if Cass was right about who was on the patio fighting.

“You still can’t just show up here!” B shouts. She’s rounding on the man, and for what it’s worth, I’d be afraid of her, too.

He stumbles back, holding his hands up in defense. “I just wanted to meet her,” he says. “I saw her name for the art show and thought—”

B doesn’t let him finish. “You thoughtwrong, Adam.” She huffs out a breath, and I’m fairly certain she’s about to turn into a dragon. I can feel the heat from here. “You’ve done some really shitty things, including leaving her mother, but this far outweighs all of that. Let Ellis enjoy her time tonight.”

At the sound of her voice, I insert myself into the conversation, clearing my throat and wondering if I’m cut out to be art show security. It’s a rapid career change, but when I see that I’m taller than the man, I think I may have a chance. “What’s going on?” I ask, trying to deescalate the situation.

“Finn,” B says, as if she just realized I’d come out to the patio. The warm spring air has cooled with the late hour, and I’m suddenly thankful for the full suit.

“Who are you?” I ask, turning to the man standing and looking worse for the wear.

“Adam, don’t,” B warns.