This time, I chime in first. “The groom,” I say. “Ellie is a close friend. Known him forever. I think they met at a hostel in Kansas.”

“A hostel?” Cass questions, her brows pinched together.

Ellis nudges me, and the touch sends a jolt up my arm. “He’s kidding,” she tosses out. “About the hostel in Kansas part.”

This seems to appease our new best friend. Her smile widens and she glances around the room, clearly searching for someone to introduce us to.

I watch as Ellis runs her tongue along her cheek before lifting her glass up to take another drink of champagne. I watch her swallow and quickly look away when my blood heats–images from the dressing room flashing in my mind.

“My boyfriend should be around here somewhere,” Cass says, leaning to look behind me. “We should sit together!” Cass smiles at us before looking in the other direction, clearly distracted. “I’m so glad Angie gave up on the seating chart thing. She’s beenso stressed about the wedding. You know how anxious she gets. I’m sure Luke has told you all about it since you’re friends.”

Cass touches Ellis’s shoulder, and I discreetly nudge her with my elbow, waiting for Angie’s cousin to look away again. When the opportunity presents itself, and Ellis is the only one gazing at me, I raise my brows and mouth the wordsno seating chart.

She cocks a brow just as Cass waves someone down from across the room.

“Chad!” she shouts, stepping around Ellis to get his attention. “Come here. I want to introduce you to someone.”

Ellis leans in, lowering her voice to a whisper, and suddenly we’re in our own little world. This entire day feels like that, and while I can’t bring it up in front of these people, considering we are undercover, I desperately want to know if she’s enjoying crashing the wedding or not.

“Watch your drink.” Ellis’s voice remains quiet. “With a name like Chad, don’t hand him that thing for nothing.”

A soft chuckle drags from my chest as I lean into her, desperate for more of–something. “So judgmental.”

Ellis doesn’t have time to respond. Before we know it, a very put-together man stroking his trimmed beard confronts us and sizes us up like he’s picking out the next horse he’s purchasing for the Kentucky Derby.

“Stuart,” Cass says, nodding to me first. “And Ellie. Ellie, this is my boyfriend, Chad.”

Chad sticks his hand out to me first, and I shake it, trying to pretend I do this all the time. Unfortunately, my job doesn’t consist of making billion-dollar deals. It consists of a lot of tech, and listening to a ton of music. My suit suddenly feels too tight, but I don’t let it bother me.

“Nice to meet you,” Chad says, a charming smile splitting his face. He looks down at Ellis, his eyes almost predatory, before shaking her hand. “And nice to meet you.” His tone is off–a little too intrigued, and I become suspicious of him and his intentions.

Cass holds her cheerful expression, but I don’t miss the look in her eyes when he leans forward. Just a touch.

I clear my throat. “My wife is a good friend of the groom. Your beautiful girlfriend here was just telling us she’s the bride’s cousin.”

Chad’s gaze cuts to me briefly before his eyes sneak down to Ellis’s left hand. She quickly hides it, wrapping her arm around my back and leaning into me. She holds her champagne glass in her other hand, but all I can feel is the warmth of her arm at my back. My entire body lights up like I’m some sort of teenager. I scramble, trying to figure out what to do, and settle on draping my arm around her shoulder, angling my glass soChadcan’t see the truth.

It would be a shame to get caught in our lie this early.

Cass quickly interrupts, placing a pale hand on Chad’s arm. “I wasjusttelling them they should sit with us.”

“That would be nice,” Chad says, adjusting his tie before his eyes track someone else in the crowd. He nods once with a quiet, “Excuse me.”

Cass offers an apologetic smile, but there’s a sadness behind her eyes, and I wonder if Ellis notices too. “I am going to run to the restroom, but I’ll try to find you two after. It’s so nice to meet new friends!”

“We would love to sit with you and Chad,” Ellis calls as we watch Cass retreat into the crowd, her red dress disappearing into a sea of people.

As soon as the coast is clear, I take my arm off Ellis’s shoulder and turn to her. “No seating charts,” I say with a wicked grin decorating my lips.

“Such luck!” Ellis glances around to make sure nobody is listening. “Did you see Chad look down at my finger? Could he have been more obvious? Honestly, I feel bad for Cass.”

I shift uncomfortably. “Do you want to sit with someone else?” I ask.

Ellis shakes her head before grinning. “No, no. I can’t wait to tell them all about Kansas, Stuart.”

I laugh, a deep sound rumbling out before I bring my drink to my lips. “I’m not really a champagne guy,” I admit.

“Then why are you drinking it?”