Noah holds out his hand expectantly. “Well,” he says. “Let’s see it then. The list, I mean.”

I pull up my messages withEllis34and hand the phone over. He skims the list with a smile on his face. “Oh shit. You know that one professor in the biology department is getting married tomorrow at The Outlook? Real black-tie-level event. You guys could totally crash a wedding.”

“You don’t think that would be ridiculous?”

Noah shrugs, considering for a moment. “Nah, it could be fun. Angie is really uptight anyway and deserves to have someone crash her big day. I’ll get immense joy knowing you got to attend. Make sure you give me a play-by-play.”

The thought turns over in my mind.Technically,crashing a wedding is on the list of things she wants to do. It could be a fun birthday adventure–something different.

We head down the stairs and out of the auditorium, and I tuck my phone in my pocket. By now, most of the students have cleared out, and the parking lot is nearly empty.

Noah stops, tossing a thumb over his shoulder in the other direction. “I parked by the English building, but you keep me updated on what you decide.” His face splits into a wide smile. “And please know that I am literally on my knees begging and pleading for you to crash Angie’s wedding.”

I laugh, muttering, “Sure,” before walking my way to my car.

When I get inside the Jeep, I stare at my phone, opening the message thread again.

Me:Oaklawn coffee shop at five, so you can see if I’m legit or out to unalive you.

I chuckle before second-guessing myself completely and sending another message.

Me:I’m not, by the way.

Me:I’m not trying to unalive you. I do freelance stuff a lot. You can look at my profile. I’m verified and have a ton of great ratings.

I wince, barreling on.

Me:It’s also important to note that I didn't type that with the tone of a pompous asshat. I’m not trying to brag about my ratings.

Me:Though they are good. That’s why I was directing your attention there.

Me:I suppose it doesn’t matter. This isn’t audio production, anyway.

I rest my head on the steering wheel, desperately trying to find some button that allows me to unsend the ridiculous thread of messages I just accosted this poor girl with.


I watch the wordstypingappear under her name and immediately consider throwing up on the sidewalk. She read them–all of them.


Ellis34:Serial killer status tbd

Starting the car, I pull out of the parking lot and internally cringe for the entire drive to my parents’ house.

This was definitely a bad idea.



It’s safe to say that my stomach feels like I just slammed two tacos from Taco Bell, and I am both lactose intolerant and have a bad history of IBS.

None of those things are true. Though I do feel like I’m going to throw up while I stand in line at the coffee shop, checking my phone and looking around the room like the worst spy to ever exist.

Lennon:You’ll be fine.

Lennon:But if not, nice knowing ya.