Before winter break, the college university I work for typically hosts a final assembly to send students off campus. Despitehow it sounds, most of the student body shows up because the college president happens to be a very entertaining speaker. It’s practically free stand-up, and I don’t mind running sound for it, although I prefer when the campus has guests show up for concerts. That’s when I get to do the real shit.

“What are you up to over break?” Noah leans against the door, his black hair neatly styled, and his brown sweater screaming the wordsEnglish Professor.

I chuckle, scanning his outfit before pulling my phone out of my backpack. “The glasses new?” I ask, rolling my tongue along my cheek. “Or is that just a part of the professor aesthetic?”

“Shut up.” Noah folds his arms across his chest, fighting the smile threatening to break free. “They’re new, and yes, I bought them because they fit with the dark academia theme.”

I lean back in the chair with my phone on my lap, pulling the hood of my sweatshirt up and putting my hands on my head. “Dark academia theme? You mean your very elaborate scheme to get women in bed with you?”

Noah cocks a brow. “Says the man who does his little music shit on the side. Nobody’s fooled.” He grins, drumming his fingers on his bicep. “Are you ever going to quit this job? You do enough work for indie artists. I’m sure someone would take you on the road. You’d be good at touring.”

My stomach feels like lead as I stare at him, the corners of my lips pulling into a frown. “Not likely.”

I thought about it once–going on tour and running audio across the country. In fact, it was somewhat of a dream before my brother passed. Something about losing a family member while you’re still in highschool–a family member who was so young–changes the trajectory of your life.

Family became more important.

Homebecame more important.

Dreams be damned. I’m happy with what I do for the most part.

Noah bends down, retrieving a bag from his feet. “Your mom requested more pho. I told her I’d stop by and bring it to you, but you’ll need to move fast. My mother doesn’t want it spoiling.”

I smile, grabbing the bag from him and placing it near my backpack. “Of course.” I chuckle. “I should have expected it. Ma tried the pho recipe, and it was terrible. The woman can paint, but can’t cook to save her life. I’m sorry she’s resorted to begging your poor mother for dinner.”

Noah adjusts the leather satchel strapped across his chest. “It’s no problem.”

I finally pick up my phone to see a message from coffee shop girl. I can’t help the way my palms instantly turn sweaty–the way my stomach churns with nerves.

This entire thing was probably a stupid idea.

Ellis34:Oaklawn sounds good. I’ll just meet you there at five?

One corner of my mouth turns up at the message.

“Who is it?” Noah asks, pushing his glasses higher up his nose. “Or should I say, who isshe?”

“No one.”

His brows raise, his brown eyes scolding. There’s no reason to hide it other than planning a stranger's birthday sounds completely idiotic. But considering I still haven’t fully planned what we will do, it can’t hurt to get some advice.

“Freelance work,” I offer, knowing damn well he realizes it isn’t just another mixing job. “Some girl wanted someone to plan her birthday party. Two-hundred bucks.”

“Event planning. That’s an interesting change in pace. Is she hot?”

I run my tongue along my teeth, refusing to answer and definitely refusing to make eye contact.

“Okay, so that explains why you took the job. Where are you taking her?”

I stand up, grabbing my backpack and the food off the floor. I’ll need to stop by my parents on my way home. “Not sure yet.”

“You’re literally an idiot.” Noah chuckles, the smile dancing on his lips.

“I asked her for a bucket list. I’ll probably just pick something off there.” I shrug my backpack over my shoulder, slowly making my way to the door. Noah follows out the door, and I turn to lock up the sound booth behind me.

“So, skydiving in December?”

I shake my head. “Wasn’t on the list.”