Page 90 of The Rule Book

I’ll never forget the look on Nora’s face when that prick asked if I’d like to comment on how she used me to get ahead in her career. He said it like a statement, not a question. Like everything someone reads online should be held as gospel. I wanted to tear him limb from limb for insinuating he knew anything about what my wife has done to gain her position. None of it had anything to do with sleeping withme.

If anything, I stepped in her path, and she found a way around me.

“You’re really okay with this?” Price asks.

I smile. “Never been more okay with something in my life.”

“Okay, then.” Nathan hugs me first and the rest of the guys follow.

Jamal whispers in my ear. “I still think you’re a big-ass ugly baby, but…this was inspiring.”

I put my hand over his entire face and push him back. “Thanks, pipsqueak.”

He throws off my hand and shoots me the bird.

“We’ll let you get a head start home,” Nathan says, subtly reminding me that our friendship has nothing to do with my position on or off the team.

I try calling Nora the second I’m in my truck but it goes straight to voicemail. Rocks drop into my stomach, and I worry that my move today upset her. That it was too grand a gesture and I scared her off. But then a text comes through:

I’m at home waiting for you.


I text her:Which one?

Her response has my chest loosening a bit.Your house.

She called my house her home. That has to be a good sign, right? I’ve been trying so hard to play it cool the last couple of months. To not push too hard or ask for too much because I don’t want to make her jumpy. But I’ve been noticing small things too. She bought a second toothbrush that stays at my house. She has more clothes at my place than her own now. She brought her pink toaster from her place, and it lives on my kitchen counter now.

It feels so right seeing her things slowly mingle with mine.

And maybe that’s why I feel completely at peace after announcing the end of my career today. Because when I looked out at the crowd and locked eyes with her: Everything just clicked. I’d never been able to picture the second part of my life after football. And then suddenly it sprawled out in front of me—and I felt ready for it. Ready for the change. Ready for what’s to come.

I pull up to the house now and find Nora sitting on the ground by the front door. Waiting. Even from here I can see the tear stains down her cheeks and I’m worried. So damn worried. Is this because of me?

Or is it because—

I open my truck door and she launches herself from the ground, sprinting full speed for me.

Derek drops his duffel bag on the driveway and takes two steps to meet me—where I throw myself into his arms and he catches me with zero hesitation.

I’ve done nothing but cry for the past hour. He gave it up. It can’t be for me.

His arms wrap around me so tight I can barely breathe, and I bury my face in his neck. His fingers sink into the back of my hair, and he whispers in my ear. “Why are you crying, Nora? What’s wrong?”

This jolts me back to reality and I wiggle out of his arms, landing once again on my feet.

And then I shove him in the chest. “What were you thinking? You retired! Derek!” Fresh tears well again. “You can’t retire for me! Tell me it wasn’t for me! That’s too much. You played so incredibly today. You broke your own freaking record; did you know that? You…you can’t give this up because of some absurd gossip magazine article. It would blow over on its own!”

Derek smiles and cups my face, wiping my tears with his thumbs. “Are you done?”

“No. I’m not done. You should have told me first. Run this by me!”

“You would have told me not to do it.”

“Exactly! This is a mistake. I could have found another way.”