Page 87 of Avenging Angel

“Just to say, babe, Roam’s considering joining the crew down here,” Cap told me.


“How do you feel about that?”

“Shirleen and Moses are also considering it. They’re tired of snow and cold, and she’s uncertain anyone we can find down here can set up the office to her standards. Mace’s office manager in LA is an older version of Wonder Woman, so Mace has been trying to get her to move to Phoenix, but he hasn’t been successful, and that’s a role they haven’t filled yet. As for Shirleen, most importantly, I’m down here. If Roam comes, that’ll seal the deal.”

Shirleen managed the office at the Denver branch of NI&S.

It was an incestuous group. They all were in cahoots one way or another.

It sounded awesome.

He still hadn’t answered my question.

But first things first.

“Who’s Moses?”

“Shirleen’s husband. They’ve been married, I think it’s twelve years now. Like him a lot. Solid guy. Treats her like a queen.”


“Okay,” I said. Then pushed, “So is that a good thing? All of them moving here?”

He ran a finger along my jaw. “Not a good thing, it’d be a great one, having them here. And she’ll like you.”

Okay then.

It worked for him.

So it worked for me.

But I really hoped he was right, and she liked me.

* * *

We were makingout in my bed.

It was hot and heavy.

I was leaning toward this being it. Cap having aced his weekend trial by fire, the fact he was pretty but still knew very well how to “do the work” between the sheets if my rock-hard nipples and wet-ass pussy were anything to go by…

It was time to take us there.

I arched into him.

And Cap stopped kissing me.

He uncurled his fingers from my breast, touched his lips to my nose, my forehead, then down to my chest before he put his lips to mine, and said, “Not tonight, baby.”

“Why?” I whispered, still pressing into him.

“Because this weekend has been a lot for you.”

“I know. So?”

“So, when it happens, I want you to be past that extreme and all about us.”