Page 5 of Avenging Angel

Still not enough to call the cops.

I couldn’t now say, “I have a feeling about this guy, and the blinds on one of his rooms are closed, though I can’t tell you how I know that. So obviously, that’s cause to break down the door and search the house ASAFP.”

They weren’t going to rush an urgent call to assemble the SWAT team on that intel.

Time for tampons, Lenny’s and scheming some plan to find a way to get into that house and check that room.

I was thinking a trip to a T-shirt printer and some time on my computer creating a bogus notice from the city for a mandatory visit from pest control.


I’d heard gophers were a sitch in the Valley.

Though, not so much inside houses.

Again, I’d figure it out.

I was about to move out of the trees, hoping the lock on the gate was easy to navigate from the inside, when I noticed movement at the window.

I froze.

I’d brushed against the trees, but I didn’t think I’d made much noise. Surely not enough he’d hear me three rooms away over the TV.

That was when she appeared.

Just her head.

Dark hair: messy.

Cute-as-a-button face: terrified.

Lips: moving with words anyone could read, even in the dark.

Help me.

Adrenaline surged throughout my body, making it tingle top to toe.

Tears flooded my eyes, making them sting.

My heart clutched and memories battered my brain, trying to force their way in.

I couldn’t give them free reign or they’d paralyze me.

It took mad effort, but I held them back using the aforementioned adrenaline and the sight of her face in that window.

I was right.

She was there.

I had to call the cops.


I put my hand to the window, nodded to her, tried to smile reassuringly, my mind cluttered.

Should I call from where I was? Would he hear me? If he did, what would he do with her? He had access to her. I did not. He had access to his garage. I did not. And I was at least a five-minute run away from my car, and in my current situation, couldn’t even easily get around to the front of the house to see which direction he’d have gone. Had a neighbor heard me, one who would maybe warn him someone was lurking on his property, or they’d called the cops and their sirens would do it? Would me being in his backyard, trespassing, mess up the investigation?

I had to get to the alley and make the call.