Page 140 of Avenging Angel

And I loved he thought the Oasis was kickass.

“You’re right.”

His voice changed, and I knew why with what he said next, “There isn’t bad lurking around every corner, honey.”

There was.

And there wasn’t.

But you couldn’t live life like there was.

“Right again,” I replied.

“I gotta go home to grab a blazer and fresh shirt for tonight, so I’m just gonna shower there and I’ll be at your place at six.”

“Sounds good.”

“See you.”

“Later, Cap.”

We disconnected.

And as I drove to SC, I navigated seven people pulling out right in front of me, saw one person drive down the wrong side of the street until they were free to get into their lane, and crawled by a police and fire barricaded camper (circa the Partridge Family) that had an intact rear, but the entire front appeared to have exploded because it was a burnt-out shell.

None of this fazed me.

I’d learned a long time ago you couldn’t take the Wild out of the West, so you just kept alert, got on with it and hoped you weren’t next to a camper when it exploded.

I got to work before Luna, and I’d strapped my boring beige (but it worked with the dress) server apron around my waist and was sipping the dirty chai I made myself (after three hours of sleep, I needed caffeine fortification), when Luna strolled in.

She took one look at me, I took one look at her, I put the chai down, and we raced to each other, caught up our hands and girlie bounced.

When we stopped bouncing, I filled her in.

“We made up, wedid it, multiple times, he givesamazing head, has an insanely pretty dick, said some unbelievably beautiful things to me, and it’s all good.”

She let me go, threw her hands up in the air and cried, “Yee ha!”

“After we were done, Martha came pounding on the door complaining about the noise Alexis and Jacob were making and how she feared Jacob was gonna fuck Alexis in half,” I continued.

She threw her hands up in the air again and shouted, “Yee ha!”

“Are you gonna be able to get out of your lease?” I asked.

Her lease wasn’t up until January.

“I have to pay a month’s extra rent or lose my deposit, but I can cover that, so the Oasis is a go and I told them to send the lease agreement.”

I threw up my hands and yelled, “Yee ha!” Then I told her, “Cap’s gonna shower at his place and be at mine at six to go to Lon’s. Want us to swing around and pick you up?”

“That’d be cool.”

We both stared at each other, then simultaneously threw up our hands and exclaimed, “Yee ha!”

“Yeesh, are you two done?” Byron asked.

I turned to him. “Sit your ass down. I’ll bring your drink to you.”