Page 119 of Avenging Angel

Luna stood, already having one of her phone number slips of paper out, and she moved to Betsy to offer it to her.

“Sorry, we’re out of business cards. But those are our numbers. If you can think of anything we might need to know while we search for her, please tell us.”

She took the paper, asking, “Do you think you’ll find her?”

“We don’t know, but we can promise you we’ll try,” Luna answered.

Her shoulders drooped and my heart went out to her.

“Guess that’s something,” she muttered. “At least someone cares.”

I stood too. “We definitely care, Miz Markovic.”

“Call me Betsy.”

We said our farewells and got in the Accord.

Luna pointed us on our way back to the Prius and issued orders.

“You go home and figure out what to say to Cap. I’ll email this in and see if ‘We’ can get us anything on this Jazz character.”

“I’m not gonna call Cap until around nine. He works odd hours. I want him to be home and in a place he’ll listen to me.”

“Good call. I’ll still do the emailing.”

“Right,” I agreed. Then asked, “Is it only me that thinks it’s weird a boyfriend would blow off the mother of his missing girlfriend?”

“It isn’t just you, but maybe sheiswith him. Maybe it’s a thing with those two, and Betsy telling Christina to scrape him off was the last straw.”

My thoughts exactly.


“She has a shrine to her daughter, Luna. I don’t think she just put that up in the last year either. You don’t put pictures up of people you don’t love. You also don’t call someone every day if you’re not tight with them, even if that tight has no small amount of dysfunction. And even if you’re really into a guy, you figure it out with the mom you love, and it doesn’t take a year for you to figure it out.”

“Yeah,” Luna replied.

I laid it out. “So we have Jazz as a lead, and we still have to find Divinity, and we’re gonna check out The Slide.”

“Your dad has shitty timing,” Luna remarked. “He’s slowing our roll.”


She could say that again.

* * *

I sat on my couch,staring at my phone sitting on the coffee table.

Patches lounged on the back of said couch, flicking his tail.

It was just past eight, and I was trying to convince myself I could wait another hour to call Cap.

I’d lugged the new additions to my library up and attempted to get into the book about Jules and Vance.

After reading some of the first chapter, and being surprised at what a supreme badass Jules seemed to be, when it got to the part about how they all lost Cap’s friend Park, I got overwhelmed by his loss, more overwhelmed at how I’d bungled things that morning, and I couldn’t concentrate.

So I changed the sheets on my bed, threw in a load of laundry, ran the vacuum, started the dishwasher and wiped down all the counters.