Page 97 of Avenging Angel

I dropped my arm, tardily remembering pointing was rude.

“I’m also fighting hyperventilating because I’m dewy and I don’t have a meet-the-mom-and-big-brother-slash-mentor outfit on,” I shared.

His beard around his lips twitched, he approached, took over holding me up from Luna by sliding his arm around my waist, then he bent and touched his mouth to mine.

Okay, I felt a wee bit better now.

But just a wee bit.

When he lifted away, he reminded me, “I attended Dream’s intervention yesterday, Raye.”

“Yeah. I know. But that ended up being more like a party, with dogs wrestling in the background and an ugly confrontation mixed in. This isterrifying.”

“I had something on. I didn’t have time to text to tell you they were in town. I found out this morning they’d flown in last night. Shirleen wanted to surprise me.”

I nodded and couldn’t stop doing it.

“I got it, you can stop nodding now,” he said, beard again twitching.

I stopped nodding.

“She’s not usually like this,” Luna informed the assemblage. “She’s just seriously into Cap.”

I looked to Shirleen. “It really is a pleasure to meet you,” I assured her. “I was just caught unprepared.”

“I see that,” she said to me, then to Cap, “Should we tell her Jules is in town too?”

Oh my God!

The idolized-first-female-to-show-him-love Jules?

Cap felt my reaction, so he answered, “Probably not, but too late now.”

“We need to do a dinner,” I hurried to announce. “My place isn’t big enough, or I’d cook. But someplace nice.” My mind blanked, so I called, “Luna?”

“Rustler’s Rooste?” she suggested.

I shook my head. “Too touristy.”

“The Tee Pee?”

“I’m not sure they have a big enough table to fit us all.”

Though, maybe they could pull some tables together on their patio.

“Steak 44?”

“That might be too loud, unless they seat us at a back table.”


Oregano’s famous pizza cookie came instantly to mind, I snapped my fingers and cried, “That’s it!” I took them all in and asked, “When can you all do dinner?”

“We have a team meeting tonight, Raye,” Lee said.

“Right, so, I have some time to, you know, plan,” I replied.

Would the outfit I bought but didn’t wear for our first date be too dressy for Oregano’s?