Page 95 of Avenging Angel

“If I wanted it to be, yeah, which I don’t, so it won’t,” the man shot back.

“You need help?” the man with the cameras asked Luna and me.

Everyone turned their eyes to us.

Having their direct attention, it had never done it before, so I didn’t know how I knew, but I still knew my heart had started palpitating.

I’d put all the men in the same age range as Mace, which, from what I could tell from the history Cap had shared, was around forty-five, or hedging toward too old for Luna and me.

I instantly changed my mind on the age range I’d accept for a dude.

But at a sweeping glance, only one of the guys didn’t have a wedding ring (the one sorting through the cameras).

And the other two didn’t just have wedding rings. They had wide, gleaming gold bands that screamedI’m taken!to all the women who had uteruses that instinctively urged them to throw themselves at these guys’ feet and beg them to make mini-future-hot-guy babies.

Even me, and I had my own super-hot dude.

Luna elbowed me.

I snapped out of the miasma created by breathing in so much drifting testosterone and witnessing such an extremity of good looks.

“We’re looking for Cap Jackson.”

The Black woman turned to face me fully.

A door to the back offices opened and Mace strode out, increasing the hot-guy quotient significantly.

Totally what was happening to my heart was palpitations.

“Hey, Rachel,” he greeted.

“Raye,” I corrected. “Hey back, Mace.”

I felt something pummeling me coming from the Black lady, it wasn’t good, or bad, or indifferent. I didn’t know what it was, and I also couldn’t give it my attention since I had Mace’s.

“Cap’s not here. You good?” he asked.

“Yeah, just in the neighborhood and?—”

The Black woman was all of a sudden right next to Mace.

“You’re Rachel?” she asked.

“Yeah, hi,” I answered.

“I’m Shirleen.”

As this info hit me, unexpectedly confronted with Cap’s adored mom, I reeled a little bit, afraid I would faint.

“What on…?” Luna mumbled, grabbing onto my arm so I wouldn’t go down.

I’d done a couple meet-the-moms in my life. I’d fared well.

But this wasShirleen.

“This is…Cap’s mom,” I croaked.

“Holy…” She didn’t finish that either, her head snapping Shirleen’s way.