Page 8 of Avenging Angel

I dropped the stun gun to try to shift him off, when my breath that had just come back stopped because he was suddenly flying through the air.

He landed on his back several feet away from me, his head cracking against the tile with a sickening sound.

But I didn’t have any attention to give him.

I didn’t because there were two men standing over me, and these two dudes could totally take me. I didn’t know who they were. They might be associates of the bad guy. But they were so gorgeous, for a split second, all I could think was that I’d be okay with that (the them taking me part, that was).

One was tall, very tall, with black hair, green eyes and an age range of thirty-five to a very fit, healthy-living, great-genes forty-five. He also looked familiar, but I couldn’t place it in my current predicament. And last, he’d had some goodness injected in him from, my guess, a Pacific Islander parent.

The other one was also tall, very tall, just not as tall as the other guy. I’d put him in the thirty to thirty-five age zone. He had dark-brown hair, full, short, but the top and sides were longish and slicked back in a stylish way. He had a thick brown beard that was trimmed gloriously and gray-blue eyes.

For a second, I thought he was Chris Evans.

Then he spoke.


“What the fuck are you doing?”


WhatwasI doing?

Oh yeah.

Suddenly confronting a Chris Evans doppelgänger, I’d forgotten about Elsie Fay (that sounded really bad, but trust me, with these guys, who wouldn’t?).

I shot to my feet and dashed through the kitchen.

That was as far as I got before I was whipped around with a strong hand on my arm and Chris Evans was in my face.

“Again, what the fuck are you doing?” he asked.

“Who are you?” I asked back.

“I asked first,” he returned.

“Do you know that guy?”

“What guy?”

“The one who owns this house.”


Okay, I was going with he was a good guy. Maybe a cop. Maybe they were onto this guy like I was.


Anyway, if they were in cahoots with the bad guy, they wouldn’t have cracked his head on the tile.

So I was going with that because there was no more time to waste.

“Elsie Fay,” I said, tore my arm from his hold and raced through the house.

I made it to the door to the room at the end of the hall and was in such a rush, when I turned the knob, I slammed full-body into it because it was locked.

I then grabbed the knob and jostled it and the door violently, like that would magically open it.