Page 78 of Avenging Angel

“Can we get some real food now?”

He could eat after two donuts?


If we went somewhere to eat, I could sling back some mimosas. I just did what I’d just done, and in four hours, we had our showdown with Dream. I needed to begin preparations for the next onslaught, pronto.

“Sure,” I said.

“Hash Kitchen?”

“We’d have to wait an hour for a table,” I warned.

He started up the Porsche.

“I got AC in this ride. We’ll be good,” he replied.

Yeah, one thing that was certain and getting more so the more time I spent with him.

We’d be good.



Iwas seeing the error of Luna’s and my ways as the Porsche oozed to a stop in front of Scott and Louise’s house, which was all but hidden behind a jungle of overgrown plants.

We hadn’t gotten there yet, me and Cap. Partly because we were new. Partly because, let’s face it, I didn’t want to.

I’d given my big speech to Cap on Friday night, but when it came to getting along generally in society versus finding someone to spend time with and your philosophies on life melding, well…those were two very different kettles of fish.

But I liked him.

A lot.

And the more time I spent with him, the more I felt that.

And women like me and the boho-glam-living-paycheck-to-paycheck (mostly), low responsibility, devil-may-care lifestyle I’d curated, and men like Porsche-driving, gun-in-his-waistband, comfortable-in-a-police-station Cap, didn’t seem to mesh.

Anyway, everyone worried about people they cared about meeting someone they were growing to really care about, and all those factions getting along.

I’d never done this before, introducing someone like Cap to people like Scott and Louise. Therefore, it hadn’t hit me how important this was.

And in that capacity, I was sensing impending disaster.

So I had to give him the lay of the land so he knew what he was walking into.

In other words, it was time to go there.


I turned directly to him after he switched off the ignition and announced, “Right, you’re in Tempe, which is a whole different ball of wax than the mixed sitch of Phoenix, and the entirety of A Z.”

“Sorry?” Cap asked, looking confused, and I didn’t blame him.

“This is a college town couched in a big city. And Scott and Louise are verycollege townpeople.”

I hoped my choice of words to stress shared my meaning.