Page 67 of Avenging Angel

I grabbed the mask and headed back to bed. “I’m not going to ask him to the Dream Intervention.”

It was like I didn’t speak.

“I’m gonna clear it with Mom and Dad. They’ll say yes. Dad especially. He’ll wanna look this guy over.”

Oh my Lord.


“Gotta make a call. Byeeeee.”

She disconnected.

I sighed, turned around to make myself coffee, went back to bed and strapped the mask over my eyes before I aimed my coffee mug to my mouth.

I should have done that in another order.

Still, I got some joe down my gullet.

Blindly, I set the mug on the nightstand and laid back.

It would take a while before I realized just that.

It had been a while.

Alongwhile since Cap and Cleo left.

What? Did he set about ghosting me while stealing my client’s dog?

On this thought, I heard the front door open.

I shoved the mask to my forehead, threw my legs over the side of the bed and hit the door in time to see Cleo, in full Lab mode, charging toward me with a new rawhide clamped in her teeth, the label still dangling from it, trailing her leash. I moved my eyes to watching Cap walk toward the kitchen carrying four Fry’s bags in one hand, a tray with two Starbuck’s coffee cups in the other.

“You went grocery shopping?” I asked while alternately avoiding an overexcited Cleo and wandering down the hall.

“I wasn’t sure you’d have all the ingredients for my chocolate chip pikelets with caramelized pear and chocolate sauce.”

At his words, I stopped dead in the opening to my kitchen and stared at him as he unpacked groceries.

“I can confirm I don’t have pears,” I said as he unearthed one.

“There you go,” he muttered.

“What are pikelets?”

“Mini pancakes. It’s an Aussie/New Zealand term.”

Okay, maybe I should invite him to the Dream Intervention.

Because I was hanging on to this dude for a good long time.

I wasn’t ready to go there yet.

But still.

Maybe that good long time would beforever.

My kitchen wasn’t that big, two people in it was close to two too many, and anyway, he seemed to be on a mission, so I rounded the column that delineated kitchen from living room and hiked my ass up on one of my stools (baby-pink, tufted-button back, quilted front, silver nail-edged seat, chrome bottom, adjustable with footrest bar, pure glam on a pole—and they were comfy).