Page 55 of Avenging Angel

The light in his eyes changed, as did his tone and the way he was holding me. Don’t ask me, he didn’t move, but I felt it go from sexy to supportive.

This happened before he asked, “Ready?”

I knew what he was asking.

Elsie Fay.

I nodded.

He stepped away, then yanked me sharply to his side as he had to shift to avoid Cleo and do this not falling down or letting me do so. A Cleo who was up in his space, sniffing his jeans at his calf.

“Is this Cleo?” he asked.

At her name, she jumped up on him, tail wagging her body.

She might be uncertain which way to swing at any given moment, but she was a girl, so she knew how to swing with Cap.

He let me go to bend to her and give her head a good rub.



He liked dogs.

Totally might be willing to pay the price to learn how to bypass a gate code.

“How you doin’, girl?” he murmured, then jerked his head back while smiling when she tried to do what I fancied doing…lick his beard.

“Cleo, Cap. Cap, Cleo,” I introduced like she was human, and I carried on in that vein. “Now, Cleo, back off and be good. Cap and I are going to be out for a while.”

Cap gave her a gentle shove, she backed off and woofed.

“That’s right,” I said. “We’ll be gone for a few hours. So no time for ragers. I don’t want to come home to an apartment littered with pizza boxes and Solo cups and you getting it on with that cute Rottweiler who lives down the street.”

She wagged her tail at me then panted toward Cap.

I got that too.

I went to my chair to nab my big, Banana Republic Stella straw clutch. The second I was in reach of Cap, he reached, wrapping his hand around mine and leading me out the door.

Even though Cap made sure I was on the inside of the open walkway like any true gentleman would, I still saw Jacob smoking a joint by the pool with his latest squeeze (I hadn’t met her yet).

Alexis was also there. She lived directly across from me on the lower level (and she also had a massive crush on Jacob, but she was shy, which was probably why she was out there, to be close to him at the same time torture herself while he was hanging with one of his babes). She was preparing the barbeque, with a platter sitting on the table close to it covered in tin foil.

“Yo, dudes!” I called.

Alexis turned.

Jacob dipped his sunglasses down his nose and called back, “Yo, dudette. Nice score.”

His chick just stared.

So did Alexis.

And they weren’t staring at me.

“Tell me about it,” I yelled.