Page 28 of Avenging Angel

I looked back to Luna. “He’s just being nice.”

“Whatever,” she replied. “Tell me about Captain America.”

“Oh my God,” I whispered as it hit me.

“What?” she asked.

“That must be why he’s called Cap. He looks like Captain America.”

“He’s called Cap?”



I was totally off my game last night if it took me this long to figure it out.

I shook off that thought and told her, “I’m glad you brought him up, because we have a lot to talk about with that guy.”

“And I’ll repeat…duh.” She circled a be-ringed hand (that midi-ring wasn’t the only ring on it, there had to be twelve other little rings adorning her fingers—regular, thumb, pinkie and midi). “Hit me,” she invited.

“First, he’s kind of a jerk,” I began, and she tipped her head to the side.

“This isn’t starting great,” she pointed out.

“Though, he’s hot,” I said.

“I hate to admit this, but I could get over ‘kind of a jerk’ when a man is that hot. Because he’s so hot, he’s scary hot. He’s ignore-red-flags hot. He’s entertain-thoughts-of-baby-daddy-even-if-you’re-not-ready-to-push-one-out hot. He’s?—”

I cut her off. “Yeah, yeah, I know. I spent hours in his company. It was far from sunshine and roses and intense conversation that hint at a lifetime of shared intimacy, and still, I thought he was going to kiss me when he left, and when he didn’t, I was disappointed.”

Her brows shot up in surprise. “You didn’t have sex with him?”

“We were kinda busy saving Elsie Fay, and then I had some work to do defending my Citadel.”

Her expression instantly grew soft with understanding and concern.

She knew all about my Citadel and why I’d built it, one of only three living beings who did (outside my dad). The other two were Jessie and Harlow, who both also worked at SC and were honored members of our posse.

I waved my hand between us and warned, “I’m not going there.”

“Okay,” she said gently.

I had to navigate us around her gently, pronto. Luna’s gently always got to me.

So I did.

“Now, he says we’re going out tonight, and I don’t know if I should, harking back to that kind of a jerk part. But also, if I do, he said to dress nice, and I don’t have anything to wear.”

One of her eyes squinted in incredulity at that statement.

She explained this reaction by saying, “Raye, you have so many clothes, some of them are at my house.”

“Luna,he looks like Captain America.”

“I get your point,” she mumbled.

“And between now and tonight, I don’t have time to walk ten dogs and feed seven cats to pump up my clothing budget, but Ineedto find the perfect outfit.”