Page 221 of Avenging Angel

“You good?” she asked.

“Yep,” I answered.

“Raye, my sister,” she said with a gravity that made my eyes go to her. “Are you good?”

I knew her question now.

Dad, Mom and I didn’t get that relief. Macy wouldn’t come home any of our tomorrows.

But Betsy had a lot of love for Christina, so no matter how messed up their relationship was, I had faith they’d be fighting again, if not soon, then someday.

And that really, really,reallyworked for me.

I bumped her with my shoulder and answered, “I’m great.”

She examined my face before she looked away and complained, “This is taking forever.”

“I know. I guess it’s not kosher to storm a warehouse and beat the shit out of a bunch of bad dudes.”

“Yeah, they got some ’splainin’ to do,” she mumbled.

She stretched her legs out in front of her.

I perused my phone to see what game I could play to pass the time.

A couple minutes later, we heard a bing.

We looked at each other again, then Luna fished her burner out of the pocket of my joggers and looked at it.

“Voicemail,” she whispered.


As in an actualvoicesending us a message.

“Holy crap,” I replied.

She flipped open the phone and I huddled closer as she put it to both of our ears.

We listened to a three-word message.

We sat immobile when it ended.

Slowly, Luna pulled the phone away from our ears, and equally slowly we turned our heads toward each other.

“Fucking hell,” she said.

“You can say that again,” I replied.

I watched the smile creep over her face at the same time that happened to mine.

“Awesome,” I whispered.

“You can say that again,” she replied, whispering like me.

Why were we acting so weird?

Because, not in John Forsythe’s voice, but in a voice that sounded like Morgan Freeman, the voicemail said…