Page 215 of Avenging Angel

That would have been funny in any other circumstances.

I’d laugh about it later.

“Can you stay here or get somewhere safe tonight?” Cap asked the girls.

Jinx’s eyes skimmed through me before she said, “I got the resources to cover us for a few days off. We good,guapo.”

Translation: she didn’t waste time pawning the Rolex.

“Get safe,” Cap ordered. “Someone will update you later.”

We got three nods.

Then Cap took my arm, Knox took Luna’s, and they escorted us out of there.

We were in our Denali and on the road before Cap said, “We gotta swing by your place. I want all the descriptions of the men you’re looking at for this from your wall.”

“I can do you one better. I got pictures and sheets on all of them, courtesy of Chuck,” I told him.

“Chuck?” Cap asked.

“We usually refer to him as ‘We,’ the wizard behind the curtain,” I explained. “But that’s awkward. We can’t call him Charlie, because that’s my dad’s name, and it’s unoriginal. So I’m going with Chuck.”

“I don’t like Chuck,” Luna chimed in from the back. “How about Charles?”

“Charles is also my dad’s name,” I pointed out.

“Then something else,” she said.

“Dick?” I suggested.

“Good, but no.” She snapped her fingers. “I got it. Arthur.”

Arthur was perfect!

“Word on Arthur, sister,” I agreed.

“Jesus,” Cap muttered.

I decided it was time to get my head in the game and grew quiet.

Luna got quiet with me.

* * *

Cap hada mini-battle with his inner caveman when we were at my apartment, and I not only grabbed all the goods we had, I quickly changed out of the cute dress and heels I wore to Luna’s party and put on jeans, a long-sleeved tee and my Nikes.

Luna was a size larger than me, so she confiscated some joggers, another long-sleeved tee, but fortunately we shared the same shoe size, so she put on my Adidas.

To help him get over it, I shared, “We’re not going to go storm the warehouse. But in this sitch, we can’t be in heels.”

My assistance worked, Cap bested the beast, and we trooped out to the Denali he’d parked behind the visitor spots.

We then hit the road.

Cap played fast and loose with appropriate city driving on the way back to his offices, and this normally would both annoy me and frighten me, but the ease with which he did it was kinda surreal. So in the end, I was just glad he didn’t mess around and got us there as fast as we could go.

We hit the reception of his offices, and the transformation was so complete, and it was such sheer class, even in the current sitch, my gait slowed so I could take it all in.