Page 209 of Avenging Angel

She wanted an introduction.

I took in the other two guys and stated, “I know one of you is Knox, but the other…”

I let that trail.

The dark-haired guy—and yes, his eyes were hazel—jerked up his chin. “I’m guilty of being Knox.”

“Hey,” I said.

His lips spread in a smile so white against his dark scruff and tanned skin, I blinked and fought reaching out to grab hold of something, not only because I’d lose my cocktail, but also because I’d look like a dork.

“This is Gabe,” Liam introduced the other guy.

He was looking at Luna. “I crashed the party, babe. Hope that’s cool.”

“Yeah, uh…yeah, well, sure…of course…plenty of food…and booze, you know, the more the merrier…”

I turned to stare at her while she babbled because that was so not Luna.

She kept doing it.

“My door is always open. I mean, it isn’talwaysopen…I just said that because this is a party. Normally, I’m very safe. You can’t be too careful. It’s just that?—”

“You can stop talking now,” I said under my breath.

She lifted her cocktail and said over-loudly, “Right! What I mean is, welcome. You boys want one of Jessie’s cocktails or some of Raye’s sangria?”

I waded back in. “And this is the rest of my posse, Harlow, Alexis and Jessie.” I indicated each with their name.

Before they could say anything, we heard, “Hey.”

I turned my head and Cap was there.

He slid an arm around me.

I settled into his side and smiled up at him.

After he smiled down at me, I noted Jacob claimed Alexis in much the same way.

Good for them.

They could now check off “Indisputable Gesture of Possession” on their to-do lists.

So noted, even if we invented the wheel and learned how to fly, you couldn’t take the caveman out of the cave.

Not a complaint, just sayin’.

“Kickass selfie station,” Knox commented, his head turned that way.

“Luna blew up all the balloons!” Harlow exclaimed over-excitedly.

All three of the men turned eyes to Luna at this.

Her face went up in flames.

I burst out laughing.
