Page 201 of Avenging Angel

“So someone finds your dead body, mutilated beyond recognition, how are they gonna find who to give the death notice too?”

That was a little dramatic.

Sergio Duzek sprang to mind.

Okay, that was appropriately dramatic.

“We were just talking to a night clerk at a motel,” I told him.

It ended up more than that, but I’d share that part later.

“I got home, you not here, knowing you’re working some shady fuckin’ business, which means rubbing up against shady fuckin’ characters, no note, I call you, and your phone vibrates on the goddamned nightstand.”

I knew how that felt, and I’d fucked up.


I took a step around the coffee table to get closer to him, and said pacifyingly, “Okay, Cap. That wasn’t cool. You woke me to tell me you were leaving, I should have shared why I’d gone and where so you’d know if you got home before me. Next time, I’ll do that.”

“You need to be really fuckin’ smart doing this kind of shit on the streets, Rachel,” he shared something I’d already learned that night. “And you not having the presence of mind to leave a note does not make me feel great about you being able to be as smart as you need to be.”

I opened my mouth to retort, because I’d screwed up, but he was prodding something that was hella sensitive in that mo’. He lifted his hand to stop me from talking.

“I’m not saying you aren’t smart. Don’t read into that. But, Raye, Ilivedon the streets. You gotta know I know what I’m talking about.”


“Maybe we can chill this out or move it to the bedroom, or turn on a light and sit down and chat, because the way this is going down, I feel like a naughty child getting a talking to from her principal,” I suggested.

“I’ve been sitting for the last hour, having no other choice but to sit and wait for you to come home, because the tracker we put on your car said it was parked and immobile at a lot near Sky Harbor. As far as I know, you had no reason to be there. And when our guy Brody hacked into their security cameras, you were nowhere to be seen. Fortunately, you and your girls showed about five minutes later. But do you feel me?”

I felt him.

And I was impressed they had a hacker who was that good.



“You put a tracker on my car?”

He shook his head. “Babe, seriously. Read the Rock Chick books.”

“I’m not sure I’m down with you tracking me, Cap.”

“We had a lead with that tracker on your car, Raye. Without that, you’d vanished without a trace.”

My breath was escalating. “You should have told me.”

“You’re right, with how you and me are now, I should have. How we were when I did it, you’d think I was a creeper.”

“When did you do it?” I asked curiously.

“The night I broke in.”


If he wasn’t him, total creeper.