Page 177 of Avenging Angel

But I couldn’t turn away from the “why” anymore.

I had to face it.

And that was really our number one possibility.

Okay, it might be time to hand this over to Clarice.

Or Cap.

I wasn’t sure where Nightingale Investigations and Security stood on pro bono criminal investigations. Considering how swank their office was, and the cost of what had to be a custom sculpture of a phoenix, my guess was, they weren’t big fans.

So it would be Clarice.

“Where are we going now?” Harlow asked.

“To go see Jinx, our girl on the street,” Luna told her.

“Right on,” Harlow muttered, like this wasn’t her first rodeo, when it was.

Luna took us to Sun Valley Motor Lodge and we parked.

I gave a crisp salute, and Luna gave a finger wave, to the dread night manager, Mr. Bad Mood, who was wearing his normal scowl with his eyes aimed our way, doing this as we headed to room number eight.

Luna knocked and called, “Jinx. It’s us.”

“Get in here, bitches,” she called.

We went in.

And we nearly ran into each other as Luna, in the lead, stopped dead.

I knew why.

Divinity wasn’t there.

But five other women, plus Jinx, were.

“You bitches are multiplying,” Jinx remarked, eyeing Harlow and Jessie.

“You’re one to talk,” I replied.

“Close the damned door,” one of the women said.

We shuffled fully in, and Jessie closed the door.

It wasn’t a big room, and since our hosts had taken all the places to sit, we lined up just inside the door.

“Dylan, Natalie,” I indicated each in turn, giving them their code names on the fly (I’d done my Angel research too), and seeing as they were semi-kinda second generation, I went with the movie, “this is Jinx and her friends. Jinx and her friends, this is Dylan, Natalie, Jill, and I’m Kelly.”

“Charlie’s Angels. Huh,” one of the women, a light-skinned Black lady in a pink wig who was sitting at the head of the bed, mumbled, putting it together surprisingly quickly.



“Persia, Genesis, Cameo, Skyla and Lotus,” Jinx gestured to each woman, giving us their street names.

Pink wig lady was Persia.