Page 161 of Avenging Angel

Cap was smiling at me when I finished.

“You wanna take the day off work and just chill?” he asked.

I shook my head on the pillow. “No. It’s work, but The Surf Club is also a sanctuary.”

“Then let’s hit it, baby. We got a cat to feed.”

It didn’t take two to feed Patches, but I nodded again.

He touched his mouth to mine.

Then he pulled me out of bed.

* * *

I was tyingon my hot-pink server apron, which was the perfect pop of color to go with my army-green, linen crop pants and white racerback tank when I heard it.

“Keep your pants on! You’ll get it when you get it, honky!”


What was he doing there?




I raced through the kitchen, dimly noting Lucia had lifted her head from slicing red chilies to listen, and kept right on going until I’d rounded the bar and hit the front area and the coffee cubby.

I skidded to a halt when I saw Otis and Tex squeezed into the small area behind the counter.

Tex was at the espresso machine.

Otis was pulling a cherry muffin out of the display case.

He was also grinning like a loon.

He spied me and said, “I love this guy.”

I turned my attention to Tex.

“Tex, what are you doing?”

He tugged at a portafilter in a way the entire heavy machine shifted an inch to the side.

“Makin’ coffee. What’s it look like I’m doing?”

“But…you don’t work here,” I pointed out.

“Nance is havin’ a spa day with Shirleen. What else am I gonna do?” he asked.

“I don’t know, sit by the pool, order in room service breakfast, read a book, do other vacation-type things.”

“Why would I do that?”

“Because you’re on vacation.”