Page 148 of Avenging Angel

“I know I should be liberated, but he’s pure class,” she said.

“I know,” I replied.

Cap angled in beside me as she inquired, “You doing okay?”

“I’m good.”

“She’s nervous,” Cap put in as he glided from the curb.

I shot his profile a look.

“You’re nervous?” she asked me.

“I’ll be fine,” I assured her.

“And she’s pissed,” Cap added.

“Cap!” I snapped.

Dude spilling all my secrets.

“What?” he asked. “Luna and I are a team tonight. You don’t let your team member go in unprepared.”

“Damn straight,” Luna agreed.

I righted myself in my seat, seeing the error of my ways of fostering a kinship between these two.

“And just to say, I’d be nervous too, but more pissed,” Luna said.


We weren’t best friends for nothing.

Cap drove, and the nervous took over the pissed, so I was checking my lipstick in the mirror on the sun visor when Cap pulled around the fountain in the circular front drive of the Hermosa Inn where Lon’s restaurant was located.

Thus, at first, I didn’t know why Cap murmured a low, angry, “Goddamn it,” and Luna emitted a surprised, “Holy shit.”

I flipped the visor up and stared at the area in front of the adobe building with its double wooden doors, wooden benches, saguaro, paloverde and exceptional lighting.

Mingling there were Scott and Louise, Shirleen, and Tex and Nancy, Tex wearing what I assumed was fancy for him, jeans and a jean shirt.

Scott noticed our approach first and got to my door before the valet could, Louise and Shirleen close to his back. Once the doors were unlocked, Cap wasted no time knifing out.

Scott opened my door and helped me out, immediately explaining, “We couldn’t let you do this alone.”

“I called ahead, changed the reservation, got us a bigger table,” Shirleen told Cap over the hood of the car while he handed off the key fob to the valet.

Scott moved to help Luna out.

“They got steaks here? Because I don’t eat fancy shit.”

Tex was there.

My head was spinning.

“Shirleen, a word,” Cap bit off after he prowled around the Porsche.

“Ain’t no word we gonna have will change our minds, boy,” she replied. “Met up with them at the hostess stand, so been talkin’ to Raye’s real parents. They had the same idea as me. We warned the hostess. They’re settin’ us up with an even bigger table. It’s all good.”