“I’m also really glad you and Luna are coming with me tonight.”
“Wouldn’t be anywhere else.”
He was the greatest.
I leaned into him.
He kissed my nose, probably because he didn’t want to ruin my pink lipstick or have it all over his beard.
“Ready?” he asked.
I nodded and turned to Patches. “No scratching the furniture.”
He flicked his tail, which said,You’re not the boss of me.
I gave his booty a scratch.
He squinted his eyes to say I was forgiven for trying to order him around.
Cap interrupted this exchange by taking my hand and pulling me out the door.
Alexis and Jacob were in the pool, wrapped around each other, floating in the deep end, making out so hard, I wondered how they didn’t sink. Bill and Zach were sitting outside Linda’s apartment in her woven bucket chairs with what looked like a pitcher of margaritas. Sally, a chick who lived opposite me, was out watering the plethora of pots that adorned her front door.
“Hey, all,” I cried.
Sally whirled, “Hey, Raye! You look pretty!”
I got waves from Linda, Bill and Zach, so I waved back.
Jacob and Alexis ignored me.
“Man’s making up for lost time,” Cap said as he guided me down the stairs.
“He carried her to his Jeep on his hip this morning. I think she was going to rehearsal and he was driving her there. She has her own car. So that’s a big, fatyeah.”
Cap caught my gaze, his beard lifted up at the sides of his mouth and his eyes crinkled.
Our new security gate was a pale blue that worked really well with the new ocean of the walls. It was also a foot taller than the old one so, unless you were Cap’s height or taller, you couldn’t see inside. Last, it was pretty and decorative, but it had wicked spikes at the top so you’d think twice in trying to climb it.
“Landlord’s not fucking around either,” Cap noted.
All the painting and fence/gate switch outs were done by the time I got home.
“Nope. Not at all.”
He put me in his Porsche (yes, he scored a visitor spot again, it had to be a kind of magic), and we headed to Luna’s.
Cap had barely stopped at the curb before she was out the door, wearing a black halter maxi dress with a high, side slit and a print of large cream flowers and green leaves.
My best bitch had hella style. She looked great.
I felt my stomach dip when Cap got out to open the door for her.
Yeesh, he was something.
She folded in behind me, and I turned to look at her over the seat as he closed her door.