Page 126 of Avenging Angel

She stayed in the car.

I got out.

I shoved the cash in Jinx’s hands then dug into my crossbody to get the Rolex.

I handed that to her as well.

Jinx stared down at it with her mouth hanging open.

“Probably keep your electricity rolling for a while,” I remarked.

She looked at me. “Madre de Dios.”

“No more handcuffing,” I advised.

“They pay big for that kink,” she told me.

“Your call.”

“I thought you two were a joke.”

“We are. But when shit gets real, we kick into gear. Now, I don’t want a call from you for a while, unless you wanna meet for margaritas.”

“You wanna sit down for a drink with a whore?”


Maybe they didn’t refer to themselves as sex workers.

“I don’t care what you do. Just as long as it’s a good margarita.” I turned away, bidding, “Later.”

She said nothing as I folded into the car.

“Let’s roll,” I said to Luna.

Luna turned off the hazards, and we rolled.



Luna idled in my apartment parking lot, staring at Cap’s Porsche in the visitor spot.

I sat next to her, staring at it too and trying to remember how to breathe.

“How does he get that spot? They’re never open when I come over,” Luna said.

I was physically unable to reply.

I felt her attention come to me.

“Go get ’im, baby,” she encouraged.

I looked to her, smiled a terrified smile and got out of the car.

I got through the gate, ran to the stairs, slowed on the stairs as anxiety overtook me, ran halfway down the walkway and slowed as the anxiety took hold again.

I put the key in the lock, opened the door, and nearly burst out crying when I saw Cap’s big leather bag on the armchair and Cap stretched out on my couch with Patches on his chest, kneading his thermal and purring so loud, I could hear him from where I stood. Cap’s long fingers were massaging Patches’ ruff.