Page 111 of Avenging Angel


“When did this happen? Before Elsie Fay or after?”

I shook my head in confusion as to why that was relevant but answered, “After.”

His hard face, if it was possible, got harder. “So you knew me by then, and you spent the entire weekend with me, and someone broke into your house, and you didn’t tell me?”


I realized then why it was relevant.

“I didn’t get around to it,” I said, and even I thought that sounded lame.

Cap agreed it was lame.

I knew that when he replied sarcastically, “You didn’t get around to telling me someone you didn’t know accessed your apartment.”

I wasn’t fond of his sarcasm.

“A lot was going on, Cap,” I reminded him.

“That’s kinda fucking important, Rachel,” he returned.

“I meant to tell you.”


“I don’t know. Today?” I asked like he could confirm.

“Today is about however-many-days since she was here too goddamned many before you shared that shit with me,” he bit out.

“I’m seeing that now,” I retorted sharply.

“You should have told me the minute it happened.”

A lot had been going on and at that moment I was freaked and angry, I couldn’t put it together where he and I were at that time, but if memory served, we weren’t a thing yet.

“We weren’t a thing,” I said.

“We weren’t a thing,” he whispered so sinisterly, it felt like the words slithered over my skin, and it didn’t feel great.

I powered through that and affirmed, “We weren’t a thing.”

“We were a thing the minute you looked up at me from Paul Nicholson’s floor.”

This was kinda true.

Kinda not.

I was going with not at that moment.

“I didn’t even know if you were a bad guy then,” I sniped.

“Jesus Christ,” he bit off.

“You need to calm down, Cap,” I warned.

He didn’t calm down.