Page 102 of Avenging Angel

This might be the only gig we did.

On the other hand, this might be the start of something. And she seemed friendly enough.

But when people did stuff like this, they needed to establish relationships, people in the know, people who saw things.

People who would talk.

“Good for you,” she replied.

Okay, maybe not that friendly.

“And this is Jill,” I kept at her since this was the first lady we’d talked to who was semi-kinda-talking back.

“Yo,” Luna said.

The woman made no reply.

“Women are going missing,” I stated.

Her gaze had shifted to look between us to check out the cars passing, but at what I said, her head snapped my way.

Electricity sizzled over my skin at her response.

Here we go.

“You missin’ someone in your family?” she asked.

“No,” I told her honestly. “I just noticed a lot of ladies of the evening are being reported gone, and it keeps happening, so it’s obvious no one is doing much about it.”

She pushed to standing from her lean on the wall, a white smile bursting through the dark. “Ladies of the evening. I like that. Gonna put that on my business cards.”

Tentatively, I smiled back.

“Do you know any of the women who are missing?” Luna asked.

“No. But there’s buzz,gringa. We’re all a little jumpy.”

“What buzz?” Luna asked.

“Wait,” I said and then inquired, “What’s your name? I mean, if you wanna give it to us.”


Well then, she didn’t give her real name either.

“Hi, Jinx.” I stuck out my hand. “Nice to meet you.”

She looked at my hand, me, Luna, me again, then that flash of white came back to her mouth, and she took my hand.

“You’re crazy,” she said.

“I know,” I replied. After squeezing it, I let her hand go. “Have other family members been out looking?”

“Yeah. There’s a woman named Betsy who’s been around. Her daughter was one of them. But she’s been gone for a while, so Betsy has too. Don’t know if she gave up. Do know her girl didn’t show up.”

“What’s her daughter’s name?”

“Don’t know her name, but the name she used on the street was Bambi. And she was a real Bambi. All big eyes and stupid.”