Now I felt everything, and I was ready to go back.
So I would.
I was too drunk.
I couldn’t remember if I drove my car here.
And if I didn’t drive my car, I couldn’t for the life of me find a memory of how I did get here.
I pushed through the crowd, pulling out my phone and finding Scout’s name.
I’m pretty mad at you
I had texted her four times now and I knew it was getting desperate.
I thought of her back in her apartment, the idea that Jesse could be there making me grab another beer. Someone yelled about shots and I reached out, thrilled when one was put in my hand.
It didn’t matter. I couldn’t drink until I blacked out and Scout seemed to be the only coherent thought I had.
I sat back on a couch, letting my head roll back as I closed my eyes. The girl next to me said something in my ear and my hazy brain thought I could hear Scout’s voice. I couldn’t even figure out what she was saying, but when it sounded like Scout, it didn’t matter.
Then my phone buzzed, my heart racing at her name.
Why do you think I haven’t responded?
So you’re ignoring me because you’re what? Scared of me because Im mad?
No, I just don’t know what to say to make up for what I said. This is usually something I would go talk to the girls about and I can’t so…
Then talk to me.
That’s not the same.
I know but it sounds like your only option unless you are ready to come clean about what happened.
Nothing came through for five minutes as I watched my phone.
I’m just not sure how to apologize. I didn’t mean to sound like such a jerk. I don’t know if I’m good at this friends with benefits thing if I’m going to get so far in my head about things.
Why did you agree to do this with me?