Page 56 of Bed of Roses

“Okay.” Her tone is unsure, but she doesn’t fight me on it. “Call me back in the morning, okay, babe?”

I nod. “Talk to you soon.”

As soon as I hang up, I open the binder and flip through the pages that I’ve already looked at. I may not have wanted to help Neil before, but I do now because, I know if I don’t, he’ll never leave me alone. For some reason, and perhaps it’s because I live here, he’s chosen me. I don’t know if that makes me stupid or smart, but I’m trying not to think about it at all.

Chapter 21

Cole Garner

I frownas I pull up to Tegan’s house. The sun is barely up, but every single light in the house is on. Normally, it’s just her bedroom light that splashes across the grass at dawn. Normally, she doesn’t venture out into the house until I get there. I cringe a little, hoping like hell she isn’t awake and at it this morning because she’s pissed that I left.

Honestly, I didn’t want to leave once she fell asleep, but I knew I was no good to her the way I was. I needed to clear my head, so I visited my sister’s grave and sat against her stone for a while. When my ass became numb, I kissed the stone, left, and headed back to my trailer. I sat on my couch for a while, thinking about everything. Trying to sort my thoughts and categorize these fresh and new feelings I was having. Eventually, I got sick of myself and worked out until my limbs were shaking. But I couldn’t stay away fromher long, and even though I didn’t get a wink of sleep, I showered, dressed, and headed back out.

I had to see her again. I was compelled to.

Donuts was a spur-of-the-moment decision. I wasn’t surprised that the owner of the shop knew that I was picking up Tegan’s as well. Word of Tegan and me together had spread fast, but thankfully, she didn’t say anything on the subject. She just passed me the donuts and waved me away to take the next order.

Parking my truck, I snatch the bag of donuts from the passenger side and get out of the cab. I head to the house, a little worried about what I’ll walk in on. This is all new for me. I don’t know what is acceptable behavior and what isn’t. But she knows that, doesn’t she? She knows this is foreign for me, right?

There’s only one way to find out.

I pull the door open and step inside. Immediately, I smell coffee, and I follow my nose through the living room. “Tegan?” I call.

“In here,” she says from the kitchen.

As I enter the kitchen, I hold up the bag of donuts, but Tegan doesn’t even look up at me. She’s pouring over the binder, almost pretending that I don’t exist.


“You’re mad,” I state, gently setting the donuts by her elbow.

“Huh?” she glances up at me distractedly.

I raise my eyebrows. “About me leaving in the middle of the night?”

Her expression relaxes, and she waves a hand in the air. “No, no, not at all. Coffee is over there.” She flicks her thumb behind her to the full coffee pot.

I step farther into the kitchen, a little confused, and head to the empty mug set out for me. As I pour myself agenerous amount, I scowl at the steam. “Why are you up already?”

Turning, I see her shoulders bunch before she swivels toward me with a guilty expression. “I uh - Something happened last night.”

“After I left?” I ask. Did Derek come? Did he demand the binder in the middle of the night? He would do something like that, I wouldn’t put it past him, especially after our encounter at the bowling alley. “Was it Derek?”

“No, no,” she answers, crossing her arms over her chest uncomfortably. “His brother.”

“Smith?” I cock my head to the side. What would the sheriff be doing out here in the middle of the night?

She shakes her head. “Neil.”

My eyes narrow. “I don’t follow.”

The way she talks next, fast and full of stutters, causes me to set my mug down. The wild direction of her spewing is like whiplash, and it takes a moment for me to register everything she says.

“His ghost? Neil Wordon’s ghost?” I ask, making sure I have all the facts.

She nods. I look at the binder laid open behind her, and my brows pinch together.

“Do you think I’m crazy?” she asks when I don’t say anything for several seconds.