Page 49 of Bed of Roses

I let go of her neck, grab her hip, and slam so deep into her that I see fucking stars when I cum. My head tips back as I pump everything I have into that sweet pussy ofhers. When I finally spill the last drop, I gently ease out of her. Cum immediately drips down her thigh, but I pull up my shorts quickly and grab some paper towels. Gently, I clean her up, throw away the paper towels, and carefully pull up her shorts. She lies there against the counter as I take care of her, trying to get her breathing under control.

Grabbing her hips, I gently turn her to face me. Her cheeks are wet from tears, so I wipe them away with my palms and then press a kiss to her mouth. Against my lips, she murmurs, “So we’re a thing?”

I smirk and pull back. She just has to have the words come straight from my mouth, doesn’t she? “If you feel the need to label it, yes, we’re a thing.”Why do I like the sound of that?

That’s something I’ll have to get used to, voicing my thoughts, because Tegan seems to need the verbal proof that goes along with the physical proof.

She smiles at me and adjusts her hair, untangling the knots that were brought on by leaning against the wood. As she does, her head turns to the right, and I watch as she frowns.

I look with her, and there, resting against the floor, is a rose petal. My frown matches her own as she asks, “I saw that you did the front, but did you mess with the rose garden too?”

“No,” I grunt as I look back at her, remembering her ghost story. “But I keep finding those damn things everywhere, and I’m about to take a mower to them.”

Her gaze is solely fixed on the petal, and the color that I had brought to her cheeks drains a little. I don’t like the worry on her face, so I tip her face back to mine and press a small kiss to the corner of her mouth. “How about I take you up on your offer?”

“What offer?” Her scowl is adorable, but my words distracted her.

“Bowling.”Because I’m just not done with you yet.

She laughs a little, but it doesn’t reach her eyes. Glancing once more at the petal, she turns back to me and nods. “I’d like that.”

Relieved, I let her go and cross to the paint supplies to clean the brushes up before we head out for the night. As I do, out of the corner of my eye, I watch as she picks up the petal and quickly throws it away in the trash.

Chapter 18

Tegan Adams

“Happiness iswhat you make of it, Tegan,” Dr. Lynn said over the rim of his tea. “You decide what makes you happy, what makes you sad, what makes you angry. You decide how it affects you and the actions you take with it.”

“Another strike!”I say, completely astounded. I don’t know how Cole keeps getting strikes, but it’s blowing my mind. How did he get so good?

At first, he kept getting gutters. The frustration on his face was evident. It was as if he’d never been bowling, and with his upbringing, I doubt he had even felt the weight of a bowling ball in his palm. But after a few turns, he seemed to have it down, knocking down pins in one go at it. He’s a quick learner, and I shouldn’t be surprised. I’ve learned not to underestimate Cole and not to think anything is impossible for him.

A wide grin spreads across his face as he spins and strides back to our booth in front of our alley. I can’t help but grin back even though he’s completely kicking my ass. I’ve never seen him smile. Smirk, yes, but this kind of smile? And have it directed at me? It has my stomach in happy little knots and my heart beating just a tiny bit faster.

He reaches me, places both hands on either side of my shoulders to grip the back of the booth, and bends to kiss me. I kiss him right back, not giving one shit who sees.

People are watching. They’ve been subtle or openly staring at us since the moment we walked in. I ignored them just like Cole did, and we grabbed an alley, kissed, and shared food like they didn’t exist at all. I wasn’t going to give him any reason to doubt what I had said at the house because I meant every damn word. I don’t give a crap what they think about us. About me. About him. I didn’t come here to be popular amongst the small population. I came here to escape a life of death, to escape who I was, to leave my fears behind, and I found all those in the man whose tongue is licking the seam of my lips.

“Last turn,” he whispers against my mouth.

“I’m going to kick your ass,” I lie.

He laughs, leans away, and sits down in the seat next to mine. He knows it’s literally impossible for me to beat him, but I get up anyway, grab my borrowed bowling ball, and head to our alley with a certain cocky sway of my hips. I can hear his chuckle as I take careful aim, blow out a breath, and send it down the alley.

I cringe when every pin is knocked down but one to the far left and one to the far right.An impossible shot.

Whipping back around in mock fury, I glare at my man. His lips are tucked between his teeth to hide the laughter that’s making his shoulders shake. I force theamusement from my face, grab my returned ball, and head back to the alley.

Randomly, I pick a pin that I want knocked down. It’s either one or the other, and since I can’t beat Cole, I can try to beat the score I currently have. I’ve never been a bad sport. I’m not actually a sports person at all; I’ve never been good at it, but doing this with Cole makes me want to try other things that bring him joy just so I can see that joy on a regular basis.

I aim and roll.


“Fuck,” I hiss, my balled-up fists snapping to my hips.

The laughter booms from behind me, and goosebumps rise over my skin at the sound of it. It’s quickly becoming my favorite sound.