Page 67 of Tourist Season

Immediately picking up on the undercurrent of the conversation, Jack looked from him to Ismay and back again. “Why not?”

“It’s none of his business, for one,” she said.

“He won’t like it?” Jack guessed.

“He doesn’t have any say in it,” Bo clarified. “It’ll just be...less of a focal point if he thinks you’re staying at the hotel for now.”

Jack’s eyes widened. “So...what do I say if he asks me?”

“With any luck, he won’t even see you,” Ismay replied. “And if he does, just say you’re helping Bo out.”

Jack didn’t respond, but he shoved the rest of his food away as if he couldn’t finish it, and Bo knew he was probably wondering why he’d come.

“Everything’s going to be fine,” Ismay said, trying to reassure him.

“You’ll love the island,” Bo added and, assuming Jack had to be exhausted, Bo got up to show him his room.

“We’ll share this bathroom,” he explained after he’d led Jack down the hall and opened a cabinet so he’d know where to find the towels and extra toilet paper.

“I’m glad to be here,” Jack said, but Bo figured it would take a while until Ismay’s brother felt comfortable.

Jack put his suitcase in the room. Then he came out to say good-night to his sister before turning in.

“Do you think he’ll be okay?” Ismay whispered after his door closed, obviously concerned.

“He just needs to adjust, and that takes time,” Bo replied.

She looked up at him with an earnest expression. “This is so nice of you. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it.”

He shrugged. “It’s no big deal.”

“But you barely know us.”

Wanting to smooth the hair out of her worried eyes, he lifted his hand. She was so beautiful. He’d never touched a woman quite like her. But he caught himself at the last second and, hoping his intention hadn’t been obvious, raked his fingers through his own hair. “I guess that’s true, but...”

“What?” she prompted.

“Somehow, it feels as though I’ve known you a lot longer,” he admitted.

The sweetest smile curved her lips before she leaned forward and pulled him in for a hug. “Thank you.”

Bo breathed deeply as she brought her body into contact with his and closed his eyes as he allowed himself to tighten his arms around her. The embrace lasted only for a moment. It was something friends often did when saying hello or goodbye. But for him, it wasn’t nearly that casual. He wished he could hold her longer, move his hand up her back, and bury his face in her warm neck...

“Good night,” he said instead and released her.

“Good night,” she murmured and looked slightly embarrassed.

Once he’d closed the door, he stood at the window over the sink, watching her get into the Jeep, and knew this summer might prove to be his hardest yet. Just seeing her with Remy, and knowing he was unworthy of her, would be difficult. The existence of that hidden duffel bag and its contents—and knowing that photograph was of a young woman who’d died on the island—only gave him more reason for concern.

He needed to keep Ismay safe.

But the biggest challenge to overcome would be wanting her for himself.

Bastian had left the porch light on for her, which was decent of him, but when she got back, Ismay was even happier to find he wasn’t up and moving around. She didn’t want him to question her about Jack.

She moved quietly so she wouldn’t wake him and managed to get into bed without an encounter. The TV was playing in the master again. For all she knew, he slept with it on. Regardless, she was grateful for the ambient noise; it helped cover her movements.

She hoped bringing Jack to the island wouldn’t turn out to be a mistake. He’d looked so shell-shocked when she first saw him that it’d made her realize how dependent he would be on her—at least at first. She just hoped being on the island would really do him some good...